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Fear was not a new feeling for Jack.

Growing up as he had, fear was the one feeling he'd felt the most.

Jack hated to admit it, but he was absolutely terrified. He didn't know what to expect from today. He watched as Zac's finger tapped lightly on the steering wheel.

Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap—

Jack couldn't remove his gaze from that, he needed something to focus on, he couldn't stay trapped in his mind with his overwhelming thoughts, if he did, he'd tell Zac to turn the car around and head back home.

The fact that Zac even wanted to be there for him today meant the world to Jack. The younger boy looked up to the eldest Lombardi, as much as he's made a few mistakes recently, Jack never doubted how much the man cared for his family.

Jack couldn't imagine doing this alone, he was really thankful for Zac.

The sheer thought of meeting his fathers' brother had Jack's heart beating at a thousand miles per hour, it was so bad he swore he could hear his heartbeat in his ears, and it wouldn't surprise him if Zac could hear it too. Jack had his hands hidden in the front pocket of his black hoodie as he tried his best to hide his trembles. He didn't want Zac to know just how anxious this was making him.

He didn't know what Harrison wanted for him, or what the man expected. Jack felt as though he should give him the benefit of the doubt; but did he truly deserve Jack's time? Where was this man — the one who claimed to be a loving uncle — where was he when Jack needed him the most?

Jack knew he shouldn't get his hopes up. But he couldn't help the small speckle of hope that swelled in his chest. Yes, the Lombardi's were his family; they'd always be his family. But Jack longed for a blood relative; one who truly loved him.

Could Harrison really love him?

Jack remembered next to nothing of his childhood, but in certain moments or situations, the blurred faces of three people would flash in his eyes; an old man and lady, plus a teenage boy. He didn't know who they were, he could hear their muffled voices every now and then, the sound somewhat comforting.

Was that teenager Harrison?

The traffic lights dimmed to from green, to amber, and lastly red. As the car came to holt, Zac turned to his blonde brother, the leather seat rubbing against his pant covered thighs uncomfortably as he done so.

He watched for a few moments, clearly seeing the uncertainty as nervousness in Jack's gaze and the trembling hands he'd been trying to hide. Zac frowned, he didn't want Jack to feel obliged in anyway, he wanted him to know that he didn't have to do this, that Jack could make a choice; his own choice.

"You good? We don't need to do this if you don't want too."

Was he good? Did he want to do this?

Exhaling a heavy breath, Jack replied. "I'm okay," he nodded slowly, his array of blonde hair sweeping across his forehead. "I'm just... I don't know... scared?"

Zac hummed lightly, "It's okay to be scared Jack. I'd be surprised if you weren't. I'll be with you every step of the way. I won't leave you alone with him, I promise. And if at any point you want to leave, then we'll leave, just say the word."

"Thanks Z." Jack breathed.

Zac was here, he'd be okay.


Harrison's house was dainty; a small bungalow on the outskirts of New York.

The front yard was, what Jack could only describe to be, a mess. Overgrown weeds surrounded the property, no trace of flowers or trees. The bins were overflowing, spilling garbage onto the long grass.

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