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There's been so many parts idk which this is...
t h i r d — p e r s o n — p o v

After Aaron and Callan left, everyone gathered in the living-room, ready to continue on with the celebrations. Everyone — bar one. No one seemed to realise that Leo wasn't there, all to wrapped up in the issues surrounding Rafe and Lily to notice.

"So..." Maya began, "is anyone gonna tell us why you all disappeared? Seriously like, Lily came and stole Beck... Rafe, whatever the hell your name is." She gestured towards said boy, whom had his eyebrows raised at her bluntness. "Then, you," she pointed to Grey, who just blankly stared at her. "You come in and steal Sofia and the other boy, then Callan and him leave and now you're all back with sad faces... what the hell is going on?" Maya finished her rant with a long sigh.

"Wow." Emilio blinked repeatedly, "take a breath Mi, it's none of our business."

"Exactly," Bella agreed, sending her friend a look of disapproval. "Sorry for Maya." She smiled apologetically towards the five. "Are you all okay?"

"We're okay, thanks Bella." Lily smiled at her friend.

"Okay, let's get this party started!" Atlas cheered, "Lily, because I'm a child and I have no money and when I do have money, I spend it on unnecessary things that seem like a good idea at the time... anyway, Luke and I are going to sing you a song for your birthday!" He grinned, his eyes lit up in excitement.

Luke rolled his eyes at his overly excited friend, "We wrote you a song Lil," he smiled sheepishly at his friend.

"You wrote me a song!" She repeated, "I can't wait to hear it!"

"We can play it now, if you want?" Luke shrugged.

"Yes please!" Lily all but begged.

Luke and Atlas left the room, returning a few seconds later with instruments and a microphone. Atlas set up his keyboard, turning to attach the mic to a small portable stand, whilst Luke tuned his guitar.

"Okay," a blushing Luke nervously spoke into the mic, "Please do not judge me, we wrote this in like twenty minutes."

Atlas grabbed the mic from a scowling Luke, "Ignore him, you'll love it Lil!" He grinned, "This is called warrior, and it's all for you."

Those ocean eyes
And that enchanting laugh,
You're brunette curls
And you're freckled nose

A little dimple when you smile,
You make it all worth while

But no one would know,
Yeah, no one would know
Behind the facade
Your story was dark

Locked in your mind
Like some unseen art
They tried to break you
But they didn't
You didn't let them,
'cause you're better than that 

A little warrior
Our little warrior
Ooooh ooooh

You had your walls so high
They couldn't break them down,
You survived it all
Made them out a clown

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