F I F T Y - T W O

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t h i r d — p e r s o n — p o v

  Zac felt his breath hitch in his throat, his palms thick with sweat, the emotions washing over him becoming overwhelming; sadness, longing, anger.

  He was saddened at his silence, his lack of words, his lack of defence for his younger brother. He longed for a reaction from Leo, as bad as that may sound; he wanted Leo to lash out, wanted him to just... speak. Hence his lack of input.

  But once Leo left the table, and Lily's words pierced his ears; he felt guilt.

  Zac exhaled sharply, running his hand through his messy auburn curls. He was ashamed. He let his brother sit and be ridiculed for something he couldn't control.

  Zac made a mistake.

  Depression was an illness. A horrible one at that. They'd all witnessed it pull every fibre of the boy they once knew; leaving him, nothing but an empty shell.

  Granted to what Leo may believe; he was once a happy child, even after the death of his parents and the disappearance of their sister.  He still laughed, a laugh so childish and innocent it could light up the whole room, his vibrant blue eyes would become brighter, showcasing the sheer happiness he felt. He would cling to his brothers like a shadow, craving their constant love and affection. Until he reached the age of seven, that's when everything changed. After their grandfathers death, those once vibrant eyes became duller, day by day— until eventually, all the light had left.

  They would do everything to bring that light back.

  Each of the Lombardi brothers stayed silent during their cousins exchange with Leo; one look from Zac had stopped any of them from getting involved. Regardless of how much they wanted to intervene, they trusted their eldest brother. But that trust didn't take away from the pain and guilt they felt; Jack's departure and Lily's words hurt their heart, they'd disappointed their siblings— Leo included.

  The brothers kept their heads down in shame; minus one. Carter was shaking, itching to punch Damon, Ryder, Ezra and Matteo. He knew Ales words meant no malice; but the sheer wording alone 'what's wrong with you' would've surely caused Leo some emotional damage. He couldn't comprehend the scene that just played out before him, he didn't want to. In his mind; they'd been cruel, and he'd been a coward. All of his brothers had.

  Damon's words pierced through the eerie silent room. His deep voiced laced with sheer amusement.

  "Well... that was awkward." He snickered, a smirk playing on his lips as leaned back in his seat with his arms folded behind his head. "I knew Leo was quiet, but fucking hell letting his sister fight his battles for him... pussy."

  Though his words were harsh, his voice held no malice. Damon loved his cousins deeply, he had always insulted each of them; it was part of his personality. They'd constantly fight one another— all of them, wither it be with words or hands. But, Leo had never been part of their constant bickering, nor their petty insults. Being the youngest and having a different personality to each of the boys— it was an unspoken rule between them; Leo was not a player in their games.

  Damon had broken their main rule; that was all it took for Carter to snap.

  He lunged across the large dinning table, slamming his fist into his younger cousins face, causing them both to fall to the white tiled floor. He could feel the crimson liquid drip down his knuckles, as blood poured from Damon's nose.

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