T H I R T Y - F I V E

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I sob in Jack's arms as he rubs the palm of his hand gently on my back. I pull back and stare at his pale face, his pale blue eyes filled with so much love making me sob even harder. I don't know what I would've done if I lost you Jack.

"I'm so glad you're okay Jack."

"Me to Lil, are you okay? What happened after I passed out? And why are you guys here?" Jack states, his gaze shifting to the Lombardi brothers.

"Lily called Leo and said you guys needed help, by the time we got there you were already unconscious and the guy shot Lily just as we arrived." Alex told Jack softly.

"HE SHOT YOU" Jack shouted, his voice strained from the breathing tube that had not long been removed.

I nodded at Jack as he hugged my body closer to his own.

"I thought I got you out the way, why did you leave the bathroom Lily. You promised me you'd run, you promised." Jack murmured his voice fading to a soft whisper as he said the last two words.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't leave you. He was going to kill you Jack."

"I don't care Lily, I'd die for you in a heartbeat! That's why I told you to run."

The room fell silent at Jack's words.

He'd die for me?

"Jack, chill." Alex softly spoke as he took Jack's hand in his own. "Lily's here, she's okay and so are you. Everything will be okay."

Jack nodded at Alex's words as he gently closed his eyes. A soft exhale leaving his mouth as he tried to calm himself down. He turned to me his azure gaze locked on my own.

"I'm sorry Lily, are you okay? Where did he shoot you." His eyes roaming my full— blanket covered figure.

"It doesn't matter Jack, I'm fine. And, I'm glad that you are to, I wouldn't want you to die for me. You've already done more than enough."

"Lil stop, I meant what I said. I love you."

"I love you too."

"Jack, Lily. There's something we need to talk about." Zac states as he takes a seat at the bottom of my bed.

Jack and I looked at each other before turning our focus onto Zac. One of his legs tapping on the floor continuously, as he begins running his left hand through his hair— he looks nervous.

"What's up?" Jack asked, clearly noticing Zac's unease.

"Your um parents—" Zac started, as soon as the words left his mouth I became tense. Jack interrupted him before he could finish his sentence.

"Oh shit, are they in jail? Where will we go?
Lil—" He turned to me, wide eyed. "We might get split up— fuck our deal, why couldn't he have shot us in like two years time." Jack rambled, everyone in the room stared at him as though he'd grown two heads, myself included.

Although I seen Jack's point. The thought of us being split up scared me shitless. In two years time Jack would be eighteen, but right now we're underage— meaning we will more than likely go into foster care.

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