T H I R T Y - S E V E N

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One hour earlier...

Alex rushed out of the hospital room into the dull lit hallway, his chest constricting with worry as he ran down the hall, trying to catch up to his younger brother. His black converse squeaked as he came to a halt— seeing Leo sat on the pale grey coloured floor, his back pressed firmly against the white walls as he held his head in his hands, his shoulders slightly shaking as small whimpers left his pink chapped lips— letting Alex know he was crying.

Alex slowly walked towards him, upon reaching Leo, he to sat down— so close their shoulders brushed. He put his arm around his younger brother, pulling him into his embrace. Leo accepted the warmth— he craved it, as he sobbed into his brothers chest, his tears dampening the dark navy sweatshirt.

Alex rubbed soothing circles on Leo's back— he didn't speak. Silently, he let his brother cry as he provided him with unspoken comfort, letting him regain his composure. Leo's sobs slowly turned to hiccups, then to small whimpers as he pulled away from his older brother— not fully, Alex wouldn't allow that. Instead he kept his arm wrapped tightly around his brothers shoulders.

Leo's eyes were red and puffy as he gazed up to Alex, his bottom lip moist, still with a slight tremor as he began to speak.

"S-she hates me." He whimpered, his voice raw and hoarse from his cries. His throat felt scratchy and his face felt somewhat sticky from the moisture of his tears. But, he didn't care— in that moment the only thought that plagued his mind was Lily.


He couldn't handle the idea of his sister, his twin— hating him. He wanted nothing more than to turn back time, to the cafeteria— that day he'd seen her for the first time in ten years and pull her into his embrace. He should've fought harder, but he didn't. After her years of her having no one, he had told her new best friend to lie to her. He himself— had lied, for weeks.

The guilt of his sins had taken away the numbness, he should be thankful for that— but he wasn't. In that moment he craved for the numbness to return. He couldn't handle the fact that he'd let his sister down, the sorrow he now felt causing his hands to tremble. His mind slowly floating in a panic filled abyss, as he clenched his hands tightly into fists, digging his nails into his palms so hard he drew small speckles of crimson.

Alex noticed his brothers change of demeanour, he seen the signs he had previously missed. Gently, he took Leo's hands in his own, pulling his nails from his palm as he inspected the red crescent moon scars. His azure eyes showing nothing but concern for his younger brother.

He interwound Leo's hands with his own— to prevent him from doing more damage. "She doesn't hate you Leo, you know she doesn't. She's just hurt, confused— think of everything she's learned in the past twenty four hours. She just found out her whole life has been a lie and that we knew for weeks. Give her time, I promise you everything's going to be okay."

"He's right bambino." Callan cut in, causing Leo and Alex to lift their eyes— now noticing the rest of their brothers standing around them. "She doesn't hate you, let her have time process everything."

Leo nodded at his brothers, their words eased some of his pain, but not all. He slowly removes his hands from Alex's own, he could feel the phantom hands slowly curling around his nape, his breathing now, slowly becoming uneven. He willed himself to stay calm— he knew if he had a panic attack he'd be given more medication, he had already missed his last dose by an hour.

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