N I N E T Y - T W O

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Third person.

The tension was thick when Zac called his siblings to the living room.

The eldest Lombardi didn't exactly plan on what he was going to say. He knew he had to tell his siblings the truth; all about Adamo's recent custody wishes.

Zac was mainly worried for Leo's reaction. He didn't want his brother to feel responsible, but knowing Leo, he would blame himself regardless.

As they all entered the room, they stared at Zac questioningly — all bar Grey.

Taking their seats, each of their eyes drifted toward their grandfather.

"Nonno." Lily smiled softly at the man she'd grown fond of.

"Hello bambina." Francesco opened his arms to the girl, engulfing her in his warmth.

The hug lasted for ten seconds before Lily returned to her seat between Carter and Callan; she was eager to know why they'd been called.

"What's going on?" Callan asked, feeling uneasy at the sight of the three frowning adults.

Zac cleared his throat, sharing a glance with Grey and Francesco before turning back to his siblings.

"There's something I've been keeping from you all." He admitted. "Recently, I was severed with court papers."

"Like sued?" Killian interrupted.

"Not quite," Zac chewed his lip anxiously, his eyes trailing toward his youngest brother.

Feeling Zac's gaze, Leo locked eyes with his oldest sibling. "Why're you looking at me like that?" He frowned.

"Zac," Callan stared between the two. "Spit it out."

"The court papers were for a custody hearing."

"What?" Carter breathed, "Custody? Who the fuck served you with custody papers."

It was silent for a few moments, each of the siblings watched as Zac continued glancing toward Leo. The action alone causing their worry to increase.

"Why the fuck are you looking at me, Zac?"

"Leo!" Francesco scolded, "Watch your mouth."

"Sì Nonno, mi dispiace." Leo mumbled apologetically.

"Adamo," Zac admitted causing Leo to stiffen. "Adamo tried to fight me for custody today."

"Custody for who?" Ace asked. His hand tightly grasping Leo's forearm. He didn't like where this was going, he didn't like it at all.

Zac, Grey and Francesco once again shared an uneasy glance.

"Stop doing that." Kaden seethed, throwing his hands in the air. "Just tell us."

"Custody of Leo." Zac stared at the boy in question, watching intently as Leo's hands began to tremble.

"HE WHAT!?" Carter yelled in anger.

"Please tell me he didn't win." Callan said, moving himself beside his youngest brother, grasping his shaking hands with his own.

"Did he?" Came Leo's panic ridden voice. He couldn't go with Adamo, he wouldn't be able to cope; it will kill him, Leo knew it would.

"No, I won." Zac admitted, moving to kneel in front of Leo. "I'd never let anyone take you from me Le. Never."

Zac's heart clenched as Leo's bottom lip began to tremble, his pale blue eyes filling with unshed tears. Zac pulled his brother into a hug, despite Leo's clear panic, Zac never let go; he simply couldn't. "It's okay bambino, everything is okay."

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