T H I R T Y - F O U R

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Fluorescent lights entrap my vision as I groggily open my eyes. I can't help the whimper that escapes my pink chapped lips, as pain courses through my entire body. My torso and thigh burning, I feel like I'm on fire.

I blink repeatedly trying to focus my blurred gaze on my surroundings, the scent of bleach overpowering my senses. My body is laying on a large firm surface, a thin blue scratchy blanket covering my bruised skin. Wires and tubes are connected to me; my hands, my arms, even my nose?

Where am I?

The memories of my fathers beating flashes though my mind; them arriving home early, the shouting, the punches, the gun.

He shot me— he shot jack.


A rapid beeping noise fills the once eerie silent room. I can feel my heart pounding rapidly in my chest, he can't be dead. I can't have lost the one person who's spent their full childhood protecting me. This was my turn to protect him, why couldn't I? I need more time— we need more time. I can't lose my brother, I just got him back.

Voices begin to fill my ears, drowning out the annoying beeping sound. My mind, to hazed to focus— Jack's pale crimson stained lifeless body being the only thing I can see.

The phantom hands grip my neck, terror flooding through me. My grip on reality slowly leaving as my throat constricts.

I can't breathe.

I feel a presence in front of me— a pair large callous hands gently grip onto my pale cheeks, causing me to flinch. I ignore the pain that crashes through me, as I pull my face from the red headed strangers grip, bringing my knees to my chest. The phantom hands on my nape becoming unbearable as the lump in my throat grows larger. Tears begin cascading down my- now flushed cheeks, a broken sob escapes my throat as I repeat the name of my older brother.

"Jack Jack Jack Jack Jack."

I can't breathe.

"Lily." An unknown voice calls my name, but I can't focus, I need my brother.

"Lily, Jack's here."

My azure eyes snap to met the strangers beryl gaze, the red haired older mans eyes are soft as he takes in my panic ridden state. He slowly raises his hands— his eyes glued to mine as he moves them closer to my face.

"My names Dr Owens Lily, you're in the hospital— you're safe. I'm not going to hurt you, I just need you to breathe." His large hands gently land on my cheeks once more, his soothing voice slowly drawing me from my panicked state. "That's it sweetheart, you're safe, Jack's safe— he's here. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth, breathe."

"I c-can't."

"You can Lily, focus. Now tell me, what are five things you can see?"

My blurry gaze tries to focus on my surroundings. I'm in a large white room with a navy curtain separating the other side, there's multiple machines to my left, along with a large window, showing the moonlight shining upon the trees. I turn to Dr Owens, my breathing already slowing as I began to list the things in my vision.

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