T W E N T Y - N I N E - LEO

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I sit here in the clean, moonlit filled room staring at my sisters pale, lifeless body. Her tiny malnourished frame swallowed by the large hospital bed, covered in wires and tubes. Her beaten, bruised and broken self covered in the thin white sheets. She looks so small. It stirs emotions in me. Emotions I never knew I had, emotions I never knew I could feel.

Why didn't we realise?

Why didn't we do something?

Why didn't she tell anyone?

Why didn't she tell me?

How could we not see? How could we not see the fake smiles, the forced laughs, the lack of light in her pale blue eyes. How could I not see? My sister. My twin. My partner in crime. How could I not see, see that beneath it all she was hurting. We failed her, we didn't protect her like we swore we would.

I think back to all the interactions we've had these last few weeks. Did she send me a sign, did I miss something? The gears in my head turning as I recall it all.

The day she came to school with a cut forehead and bruised cheek, did she fall downstairs?

Why didn't I question it more?

What if we had spoken to her that first day, what if we had just revealed it all, what if we had told her.

That's the problem with what if's, you'll never know. One thing I know for sure though, if we had told her sooner, if we had brought her home, She would be safe.

They both would.




An emotion I wasn't used to, I didn't like it. Lily had left the cafeteria and had gone to find Jack, she never returned. She said she'd see us in class but she didn't show. Did she skip? If so why?

We had double music after lunch, she loves music- it makes no sense for her to skip.

As the school day came to an end, the twins and I rushed to find our brothers, in hopes Jack would be with them. As we made our way towards the parking lot we spotted all of our brothers standing with Enzo and Elliot, no Jack to be seen.

Where had they gone?

We rushed towards them as I quickly asked the question Kaden, Killian and I had been so desperate to know for the last two hours.

"Where's Jack?"

My brothers looked at one another confused, I had only spoken to Jack once or twice. He was nice, my brothers really bonded with him, especially Alex and Ace. I didn't like how he spoke to Lily but even a blind man could see the love he has for her.

Callan was the one to answer my question, his azure eyes filled with suspicion.

"Haven't seen him since lunch Le. Why?"

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