T H I R T Y - N I NE

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"You guys can go home tomorrow."

Dr Owens smiles at Jack and I as he announces the news. My body becoming overwhelmed with nerves at the thought.


I've never had a home— I've had a house, but no where I could call home. A home is filled with warmth, comfort and love. Jack and I have never experienced such things. The nerves I'm feeling slowly fade to butterflies as excitement fills me, we're going home with our brothers— the boys that have shown us nothing but care in the short time we've been acquainted.

Maybe Jack and I will finally understand what it means to have a place you can call home, to have a family.

All I want is a place where I can feel safe, where I can feel loved— that's what a home should be.

The boys break me from my thoughts as they begin cheering, their faces filled with nothing but raw happiness as they gaze at Jack and I with their bright azure eyes.

"I can't wait to finally have you guys come home. We're decorating your rooms— they should be ready within a week or so. We could've had it done earlier but we wanted you both to pick the colour scheme. So Lily you'll have to share with Leo and Jack you can share with Alex, if that's okay with you both?" Grey asks, his azure eyes almost pleading.

I've never had a bedroom before.

"Yeah I don't mind sharing, you guys don't need to decorate anything for me— you've already done so much. I'm really grateful." Jack murmurs shyly as I nod along.

"You don't need to thank us Jack, we're all family." Killian responds, his pale blue eyes filled with honesty.

I see Alex grimace slightly at Killian's words, making me frown at him. Does he not want us to be family? His eyes widen as he meets my gaze, realising I witnessed his reaction. He gently shakes his head at me, causing me to tilt my head as I look at him— what is he trying to tell me? Alex let's put a quiet sigh, mouthing to me "We'll talk later" to which I nod in response.

"Yeah we want to help you both settle in. So, what colours would you want your rooms?" Kaden asks.

"Um yellow please." I whisper, as Jack responds "black" to which I raise an eyebrow at him.

"What's with the look Lil?" Jack murmurs.

"Black, really Jack? Black is so dull." Our other brothers nod at my words— minus Leo and Alex.

I imagine Alex likes black to, he tends to wear mostly dark colours and he even has his short nails painted black. They look so cool.

I wonder if he could paint mine to.

"I like black, it reminds me of my soul." Jack responds.

"Wow Jack, that's deep fratello." Ace laughs, causing us all to glare at him, until Jack begins to laugh.

"Jeez, I was just kidding guys... or was I?" Jack  whispers the last part— loud enough for only me to hear him.

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