T W E N T Y - E I G H T

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The rain poured as the Lombardi siblings stood on the grass staring at the moss-covered stone ahead of them, each holding an individual white rose.

The glow from the street lamps being the only source of light in the cold and dark cemetery as the bitter December wind caused goosebumps to appear on their skin.

This was not how they imagined their Christmas Eve to be this year. They hoped they'd be sitting around the fireplace in their living room with their long lost baby sister. Laughing and joking as siblings should. They longed to fill the aching whole that's been etched in their chests for the last ten years.

Leo couldn't cope, his once numbed emotions surfacing as the sobs wracked his fatigue tainted body before he could stop them. His knees hitting the damp grass as his legs buckled beneath him.

Each of his brothers had tears streaming down their faces as they watched their little brother break. The only sounds heard in the eerie quiet cemetery minus the rain drops- were his heart quenching wails.

Zac was the first to comfort him, pulling his now soaked body into his muscular embrace as he to- fell to his knees. He cradled Leo to his chest as he rocked them back and forth whispering soothing words in his baby brothers ear willing him to calm down.

The same thought running through each of their minds was why? Why did their baby sister have to go through so much? Why didn't they notice? Why didn't they approach her sooner? Why didn't they protect her?

They each stared at the grave stone ahead of them, a white rose clutched tightly in each of their grips as they began voicing out their many apologies.

They apologised for failing Lily, for not bringing her home sooner. For not approaching her with the truth the first day they seen her.

Because if they had. Then maybe, just maybe.

They could have prevented what happened.
They could have saved two children for more pain. They could have helped them.

If only they had told the truth to begin with.



"They're back early."

I felt the blood drain from my face, my hands began to tremble as the phantom hands gripped my throat. I heaved a heavy breath trying my hardest to inhale the oxygen back into my lungs.

"Shit, shit, shit." Jack chanted his own panic evident in his features as he clutched his head in his hands. "They said they'd be back at ten, it's only eight." He lifted his head as his pale blue terrified gaze met my own. "Fuck. I'm so sorry Lily, I'm so sorry. We should have came straight home."

"J-Jack" I whispered out shakily as I tried to control my internal panic. "Don't apologise. This has been one of the best days of my life. I wouldn't change a thing. You didn't know they'd be home, maybe they won't say anything."

Jack looked at me, his eyes welling up with unshed tears as he pulled his trembling lip between his teeth.

"Lil, they will say something, they'll do worse than that. They're going to know we spent time together, he won't like that. He'll make us pay."

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