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My breathing picks up as I drop Emilio's hand, and dig my nails into the sweaty palms of my hands, reopening those crescent moon scars.

My mind is hazed with thoughts of the punishment I'll receive if Jack tells our parents I made friends. When Jack tells our parents.

I focus my gaze on the table, too scared to see how close Jack is now. I try my best to focus on my breathing, inhale, exhale, breathe. I can't let my friends see how much this effects me, I have to be strong.

You've got this Lily.

In the midst of my near panic attack I feel a large hand grip my small one under the wooden table, pulling my nails from my palms. I look up at Emilio's curious eyes, he studies me for a moment before removing his gaze and interwinding our fingers, giving my hand a reassuring squeeze.

I gently squeeze his hand in return, an unspoken thank you. He understands me so well, and he's not even known me a day.

I look up from our enclosed hands, my dark brown curls slightly covering the sides of my face as I make eye contact with my older brother,  who has now reached our table with his new friends. He regards me with a blank look for a moment, then just as he's about to open his mouth one of his friends speak.

"Jack," one of the boys says. I look at him, realising it's Emilio's older brother, Enzo. He points at Milo. "This my baby brother, Emilio." He pauses, his hand then moving to Atlas. "And this is El's baby brother, Atlas."

Atlas scoffs loudly, and my eyes fall to him. He crosses his arms over his chest, seeming somewhat offended over something Enzo has said.

"We're not fucking babies, Enzo." Oh, so that's why. I don't get why he's so annoyed about it. I'd love if Jack introduced me as his baby sister. It'll never happen though. "You're only a few years older than us."

"Oi, idiot, don't fucking swear." Elliot, Atlas' older brother, scolds. I feel like he could've worded it better.

Atlas scoffs again, his mouth opening as he no doubt wants to retaliate. Elliot doesn't give him the chance to speak though, picking up where Enzo left off as he introduces the rest of my new found friend group. Once the introductions are over, Elliot's gaze meets my own.

"Oh, sorry kid." He tilts his head and stares at me. "I have no idea who you are."

I don't get the chance to speak as Jack cuts in, his tone sounding dismissive, making my heart clench.

"No intro needed, Elliot. She's my little sister."

After hearing that Elliot's eyes widen, much like my own. Unable to deal with his dumbfounded expression, I slowly turn my eyes to the rest of Jack's new friend group. The four older boys are busy chatting between themselves, while the twins openly gape at me with a strange look in their eyes.

Yeah, no. Far too much attention for one day.

I tilt my head down with a soft shake, allowing my untamed curls to fall further over my face, hoping to hide the warm blush growing on my cheeks.

"Dude," Elliot gapes at Jack. "You never told us you had a sister."

He never told them. I don't know why it hurt so much to hear that. It's not like I thought he'd be screaming it from the rooftops.

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