S E V E N T Y - T W O

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My mind felt hazed as I thought back to the events that happened earlier today, the fear I felt when that man claimed he wanted to take Jack. I nearly had a full blown panic attack at the thought of him leaving.

I can't live without him, blood or not, Jack is my brother, always has been always will be.

The boys managed to calm me down; Jack included, after his heart to heart with Zac. I was beyond relieved to find out that Harrison couldn't take him, not that I would've let him. I'd go to the ends of the earth for Jack, for all my brothers.

"So... you won't let him take Jack?" I asked Zac for the fifth time, my voice trembling as I spoke. The rest of my brothers silently stared at Zac, even though he'd confirmed this to us multiple times, we were all nervous.

"Never, bambina." Zac smiled, pulling Jack fo his side, "Jack's stuck with us forever."

Jack grinned at his words, "Wouldn't have it any other way, fratello."

We all smiled, sharing a group hug as Zac continued to reassure us.

After chatting about Jack's uncle, we decided to take our minds off of everything that had happened today and spend time together as a family. We agreed to watch— what Carter described as, classic movies, and pig out on a pile of junk food, whilst taking the time to just enjoy each others company.

Most of boys argued for a life time over which movie to watch, all whilst Zac, Grey, Leo and I, sat silently, praying that they'd hurry up and choose something.

"Can you just pick something already!" I huffed, we'd be here all night at this rate.

"How 'bout E.T?" Killian suggested as he flicked through the movies on Netflix, earning a few groans mixed with cheers.

"What's that?" I asked, having never heard of the movie, and it's name left a lot to be imagined.

"Oh my god, I forgot you've barely seen anything!" Alex all but gasped, gazing at me with wide eyes, "Put on E.T, she'll love it!" He told Kill, the latter nodding eagerly in response.

"You didn't tell me what it's about." I frowned, pouting slightly.

"Alien meets boy, alien befriends boy, alien phones home, other people find out about alien, people want to kidnap alien, kidnapping alien nearly kills boy, after some dramatic events, boy and alien live, alien goes home." Ace says all in one breath, ignoring the glares from our brothers.

"Dude!" Kaden smacked the back of his head, "you just ruined the full movie for her!"

Ace rolled his eyes, whilst rubbing where Kaden had smacked him, "She asked."

"She asked what it was about, not the whole fucking plot." Carter cut in, followed by agreements from the rest of our brothers — minus Grey, who scolded him for his cussing.

"It's okay, I still wanna watch it." I smiled, giggling slightly, as Alex and Carter began to tickle our moody brother.

"Get the fuck off me!" Ace growled, his face turning a light shade of pink as he shut his lips tightly trying his best not to laugh.

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