N I N E T Y - F O U R

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It was a good morning for Zac. At least, he thought it was. No — yeah, this was good news. He should be happy.

They finally have closure.

Having just gotten off the phone with Ryan mere-moments ago. Zac chest felt like a weight had been lifted once he'd heard the news his best-friend had been so desperate to share.

They found him.

The man that had murdered his parents had been found, and was now in prison. The same place he would be for the rest of his life.

Would it bring his parents back? No. But still, the news alone brought Zac a sense of justice.

Justice for them. His parents.

Could this be the start of his luck? Will this finally mean an end to the never-ending drama? Zac hoped so. But Zac also knew that his hope was stupid. Having ten siblings would forever bring him drama. He knew that.

But for them, he'd take whatever life threw at him. Always, for them.


Sticking to his morning routine. Zac made his way down the hall, peeping his head into each of his siblings' bedrooms. This had been a regular thing for Zac. He wasn't sure when exactly it had started, but each night
before he went to sleep, and when he woke up; Zac just had to check on them.

Starting with Grey, of-course. His brother may be twenty-one, but to Zac, he was just as much of a baby to him as the rest of them.

After peeping into Grey's room and seeing the sleeping lump under the duvet, Zac made his way down the list. Age order of course. His routine had slightly changed due to Jack's age mishap; now finding out he was indeed younger than Ace by a month.

Callan, Carter, Alex, Ace, Jack... Jack.

His gaze caught sight of the un-slept in bed, a slight panic rising in his chest. It's okay, calm down. He told himself. Jack could've woken up early, he could be in the bathroom. The possibilities were endless.

After calming himself, barley at that. Zac continued with his checks. When he was done he'd check downstairs for Jack. Peeping his head into the twins' bedroom seeing them still fast asleep with Charlie cuddled up next to Killian, Zac made his way to his youngest brothers room.

A breath of relief left him as he took in the sight. All his anxiety quick to leave.

Everyone is here; everyone is safe.

Zac smiled as he gazed at his younger siblings, his eyes roaming over their sleeping forms. Jack and Lily lay on the left of Leo's bed cuddled together tightly. The blondes head tucked into the crook of Lily's neck as he clung to her, whilst Lily's hand gripped the sleeve of the older boys sweatshirt. Zac cursed himself for leaving his phone in his room, this would be the cutest photo.

Moving his eyes from the pair, his blues found Leo. The latter lay on his stomach with his head at the very base of the bed. One of his feet lay on the unused black pillow whilst the other caressed Lily's cheek.

A small chuckle left Zac before he could stop it. Lily surely would not be happy with a foot so close to her mouth. Hearing the slight ruffle of sheets, Zac realised he hadn't been quite as stealthy as he usual was during his checks.

"Zac?" Came Lily's sleep-filled voice.

"Yeah bambina." Zac confirmed softly. "It's only me, I didn't mean to wake you. Go back to sleep, it's still early."

He wasn't lying. He'd received Ryan's phone call at 6.45AM, and the phone call only lasted around 30 minutes give or take.

Lily ignored Zac's words; blinking her eyes to rid of the fuzziness. As her vision became clearer, she couldn't help but grimace at the sight of Leo's foot. Gross.

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