N I N T E Y - T H R E E

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Third person.

A low knock echoed in Lily's room as Rafe's face appeared in the doorway.

"Hey." He smiled, "Can I come in?"

"You don't need to ask," Lily rolled her eyes.

Making his way towards the bed, Rafe sat beside Lily, his back leaning against the velvet headboard.

"So, what's up?"

Rafe frowned teasingly, "Oh, so I need a reason to spend time with you?"

"Not at all." Lily grinned, placing her phone on the bedside table.

"This is my last night here." Rafe said, "Zac helped Aaron secure a lease on an apartment down the road."

"Oh," Lily mumbled sadly, she didn't want him to leave. "So Aaron got custody then?"

Rafe nodded, "He did. Our grandparents wanted to take us in, but that meant we'd have to transfer schools again."

"Hm, I'll miss you." She admitted sheepishly.

Rafe smirked, "You will huh?" He nudged her shoulder with his. Laughing loudly as she glared at him. "I'm kidding, I'll miss you too."

"You will?"

"Of course I will." He smiled. "The apartment is only ten minutes away though, if we're feeling brave, we can still sneak out and meet each other on our bridge."

"As much as I like the sound of that, Zac would kill me."

"Yeah, Aaron would probably kill me too." Rafe's eyes went to the watch on his wrist, the time reading 7pm. "It's still quite early, how 'bout we head to the bridge for old time sakes."

"I've got a better idea."


"The park?" Rafe question. His eyes staring at the swing set a few feet ahead.

Lily faltered in her steps, "Do you not like the park?" She asked hesitantly.

"I love the park." He grinned, a look of mischief in his blue eyes. "Race you to the swing set!" He began running before Lily could even process his words.

Her feet moved as she yelled. "Hey!"

Rafe sat on the swing set, feigning innocence as Lily approached.

"You!" She heaved a breath as she pointed her finger towards the older boy.

"Me?" Rafe widened his eyes, pointing his own finger at himself. "What did I do?" He smirked lightly.

"You cheated!" Lily threw her hands up. "You didn't even give me a chance."

"You're just a sore loser, Blue." Rafe shrugged uncaringly. "Push me," He nodded his head behind him.

Lily gaped at him, "Push you?"

"Mhm," Rafe hummed, closing his eyes as the wind blew the fallen hair strands from his face. "You have to. As the winner of our race, I demand that you push me."

"Oh you demand, do you?" Though he wasn't looking at her, Lily raised an eyebrow. "Fine," she grinned, it's payback time. "I'll push you."

Rafe opened one eye, staring at Lily sceptically. "Why'd you say it like that?"

"Like what?" She asked innocently, widening her eyes as she stared at the boy.

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