F I F T Y - F O U R

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t h i r d — p e r s o n — p o v

  Zac was worried; anxious even. Leo had text him at ten pm, stating that he and Lily would be staying with Emilio — stating; not asking. Not that Zac blames him, he wouldn't be surprised if his youngest brother hated him at this rate.

  He wished he could turn back time, that he could stop himself from sitting back whilst his family deprecated Leo. He wished he hadn't given his other brothers a look; telling them not to intervene. And, he wishes he'd left the table and chased after him.

  Zac's anxiety only grew when he received a phone call at six am from Mrs Bianchi — Emilio's mother. The middle aged Italian woman had been calling to ask Zac if her son had stayed with them; which caused Zac's worry to sky rocket. Leo had said they'd be staying with Emilio, where the fuck are they?

  After the phone call, he woke each of his brothers— and Enzo, who'd stayed the night — explaining the situation to them. His brothers were worried for the three children, Enzo included. They called each of their friends, none of them knowing the whereabouts of Lily, Leo and Emilio.

  The only brother who wasn't worried, was Jack. Leo had text him separately; telling him he needed a break from the house, that he and Lily were safe, with Em. Jack being the good supportive brother that he is; decided to withhold this information from the rest — petty, he knows. They deserve it.

  It wasn't until eleven am that Zac's phone buzzed. He read Leo's vague text, furrowing his eyebrows at his brothers lack of care. Again, not that he blamed him.

  Lily, Em and I are going out, be back later.

  That was all he'd received. No indication of where any of them had slept the night before, nor did he receive a message telling him where they would be going.

  His brothers all read the text message, Carter and Ace huffed a laugh at Leo's bluntness; the boy sure knew how to make you feel bad. Carter didn't blame Leo for not coming home; their family had been downright rude. In Carter's option, his uncles lucky he's still breathing.

  Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Carter thought bitterly, as their family members entered the dinning room.

  "Where's Leo and Lily?"  Ander asked, taking a seat at the table beside Killian.

  "Out, stayed at a friends." Alex responded calmly. Ander was one of the cousins that hadn't said a bad word about Leo, therefor there was no need to be rude to the fifteen year old.

  "I don't blame them for that." Alessio responded, as his twin nodded in agreement.

  "He should really be here so we can solve these issues." Adamo curtly stated, taking a sip of his expresso — causing the every person in the room to gape at him.

"The only issue here is you." Kaden scoffed, he really hated this guy. Uncle or not.

  "Kaden, mind who you're talking to." He warned, his beryl gaze filled with disapproval.

  "I know exactly who I'm talking to, Adamo." Kaden snarled.

  Adamo slammed his coffee mug on the table, glowering at the fourteen year old. "Respect your elders Kaden, last warning."

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