S I X T Y - S E V E N

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trigger warning —
detailed descriptions of abuse, substance abuse (drugs) and sexual assault (rape)


My legs won't top shaking as I make my way to the stand, my mind feeling somewhat hazed. Time passed in a blur, before I knew it, I was already stood in the witness box, my fingers brushing the cool leather cover of the bible as I swore my oath.

The defence lawyer stared at me, as did the eleven members of the jury. The expressions of the jury members were mixed, some stared at me with suspicion, whilst others stared at me with pity — both emotions done nothing to soothe my inner battle. Eleven was once my favourite number, but today, that number feels like a curse.

Edwards, the lawyer, I could easily read the look in his eye, he had the same evil glint as that of my father. His lips were tilted in a near smirk as he continued to subtly glare at me. I believed that this man knew he was defending the guilty party, and to make matters worse, I think he relished in that fact.

"Jack," the devil lawyer began, "tell me, how often have you seen Lily in pain?"

"For the past ten years, probably daily." I responded honestly.

"Hm, could you describe to me how she looked whilst she was hurt?"

My eyebrows furrowed as I stared at the man ahead of me, at the corner of my eye I could see Julian, his expression unreadable as he nodded at me to answer the question.

"Um, sad, broken, bloodied, bruised." I listed sadly as memories flashed in my mind.

"Next question, how often did you sleep with men for drugs?"

I could feel the blood drain from my face, the amusement in his eyes making my stomach churn.

This man wanted to break me.

"Objection!" Julian called, a look of fury burning in his gaze. I could hear the voices of Kaden, Carter and Ace, mixed with our friends, as they screamed profanities at the defence lawyer.

"Your honour I'm simply trying to prove my case about the alleged sexual assault." Edwards responded to Julians outburst.

"Carry on, objection overruled." Judge Jenkins called, "answer the question, son."

Son. I flinched at that.

"I've never slept with anyone willingly, and I'd never sleep with someone in exchange for drugs." I spat, clenching my hands into fists as the warm crimson leaked from my palms.

"My client tells me you have quite the imagination. Tell me Jack, why would you lie about being sexually assaulted by your own father? Why would you make up something so sick? Is it the drugs, are they messing with your mind?" He taunted, his tone almost mocking.

"I didn't make it up," I can't breathe, "I'm telling the truth."

"See Jack, I don't think you are, I think you're scared to admit that you whored yourself out for drugs and to avoid telling the truth, you made up these disgusting lies." Edwards spat, his words causing me to flinch.

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