F O R T Y - T H R E E

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As we arrived home, the boys helped Jack and I carry out bags to Leo and Alex's rooms. I couldn't help but to let my body fall on Leo's bed as the exhaustion began to overwhelm me. My legs and the soles of my feet ached from the sheer amount of walking I've done today, I've barely moved considering I was in the hospital for so long.

"Do you wanna take a nap Lil?" Leo whispers softly.

"Please." I all but beg as I struggle to open my eyes.

I hear a soft chuckle as a fluffy blanket is placed over my body. "I'll wake you up in a couple of hours, then we can go on the tour."


And then darkness consumed me.

I feel a weight against my shoulder, as my body is shaken awake. I flinch into a seating position as I use my hands to protect my face, my breathing coming out in short pants. I wearily open my eyes expecting to see cold amber ones, only to be greeted with the saddened pale blue eyes of my twin brother.

You're not there, you're safe, he can't hurt you now.

"M'sorry Lil, are you okay? I um was just trying to wake you up. You've been asleep for almost two hours." Leo whispers softly, his voice sounding somewhat strained.

Guild gnaws at my senses as I take Leo's figure, his azure gaze filled with concern, his shoulders slumped as he holds his hands up in a surrendering manner.

"It's okay, I'm okay, I'm sorry... I just—"

"S'fine, you don't need to explain or apologise. Ready to go?" He asks with a smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes.

"Yeah." I sigh in response.

Well done Lily.


We all head to the cars, each of us in the same order as we had done to go to the mall. During the drive I can't stop my gaze from drifting to Leo, I hate that I flinched from his touch, I hate that I've caused his saddened expression.

In my sleepy daze I had forgotten where I was, my brothers don't scare me, Leo doesn't scare me— I hope he knows that.

The drive to the centre of the city was beautiful, I couldn't help but gape at the sights before me and the tour hadn't even begun.

The car came to a stop as Callan shifted the stick into break. We exited the vehicle, our other brothers doing the same as their car pulled in behind Callan's. The strong December wind was icy cold, causing my once pale cheeks to flush a dark shade of crimson, as I pulled my jacket tighter around my now freezing body, bringing my hands to my mouth, I began blowing my breath onto them as a source of heat.

I should've worn gloves.

My gaze drifted to the buildings surrounding us— I'd never seen this part of New York before. The tall buildings, the moonlit— snow covered streets, filled with people as they rushed by. Even in the late afternoon, everyone seemed to be in a rush. The roads busy with different cars, buses and yellow taxies— everything was simply picturesque.

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