E I G H T Y - N I N E

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That was the first thing Lily felt as she woke up.

"Ouch" she mumbled, rubbing her stomach. Her eyes darted around Ace's bedroom, finding his spot on the bed empty and cold. What time was it? How late had she slept?

Why was her stomach so sore?

She winced as she untangled her legs from the sheets, her mud stained toes coming into view causing her to grimace. She owed Ace for letting her sleep in his bed in such state.

Slowly, Lily made her way towards Ace' en-suite. Maybe she just needed the toilet? Yeah, that's why her stomach was hurting.

Eyes wide with fear, Lily stared in horror at the large red stain.

Lily was no doctor, but blood meant bad... right? Why was she bleeding? Lily had seen her fair share of blood, especially her own, but this, from there... Is this why her stomach was hurting? Was Lily... was she... dying?

Oh my god—

Lily quickly cleaned herself, washing her hands before pacing Ace's bathroom. She was terrified, she didn't understand what was wrong. Breathe, she told herself. Just breathe. Stay calm, it'll be fine... right? Lily thought about asking google why she was bleeding from that particular place, but, she also knew google would just confirm the one thought that wouldn't leave her mind; death.

According to Atlas; that's what google always said, regardless of your symptoms.

Lily just couldn't breathe. She couldn't will herself to calm down. This was it. This was how she would leave the world.

But there was still so much she wanted to do, so many things she hoped to achieve... No.

This can't be happening.

She was to young to die.

She didn't want to die.

Of course being as scared as she was, Lily done the only thing she could think of.

She screamed.


All of the boys were seated around the dinning room table, whilst Sofia was on the phone with her grandmother in the living room. It was a pretty late breakfast for them; the time being 11AM.

Ace had told them all about Lily's night visit to his bedroom. How she'd been to scared to sleep alone after her nightmare; this being the reason none of the boys had woken her.

Their bambina needed her rest.

Ace didn't forget to mention her toes. Of course he didn't. After all, what kind of animal does that?

Each of his brothers found the situation amusing, but, to Ace, it was anything but funny.

Ace felt like he should be petty in this situation. That he should repay the favour and rub some dirt on Lily's bed. It would be the fair thing to do, wouldn't it?

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