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t h i r d — p e r s o n — p o v

— trigger warning—
Mentions of suicide, murder, abuse, sexual assault, drugs and kidnapping.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, please return to the chambers, all the evidence you've heard so far will be presented at your desks. Please read through this carefully and return once you've reached a unanimous decision of guilty or not guilty, thank you."

Judge Jenkins said, minutes after Julian had read Jenna's suicide letter aloud to the court.

"As for everyone else, we will take a break for now. I will call you all back once the jury has come to a decision."


That's the only way any of the Lombardi brothers could describe how they felt. After ten years, ten excruciating long years; they finally had answers — they finally knew the truth.

Zac couldn't believe it, he was filled with a range of emotions; sadness, fury, relief. He never imagined he'd ever get the details of his parents' murder, let alone the name of their killer, he'd prayed so long for this day.

Zac hadn't thought of the possibility that Lily could've been living with their parents killer, or accomplice, he'd assumed that the Adams' family had found her, or illegally adopted her.

"Zac," Ryan called, breaking the twenty four year old from his trance, "you okay?"

"Mhm, I'm fine Ry." Zac responded dejectedly, sighing he turned his gaze to the pale faces of his younger siblings. "Have you got him?" He asked Ryan, not taking his eyes off his family.

"Not yet, there's no listed address for him." Ryan mumbled sadly, placing a hand on his best friends shoulder. "Detective Jones is leading the case." He told him, giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze, hoping to give the man some comfort.

Zac nodded at Ryan, to emotional to do anything more, scared that if he used his voice, he'd break down.

"You guys okay?" Zac asked his siblings, already knowing it was a stupid question, one that they wouldn't answer honestly.

Each of them nodded solemnly, causing his heart to clench with pain. He hated this, he hated that nothing in their life could be simple.

"Hey, let's go get something to eat." He suggested, "we won't hear anything for at least an hour."

"M'not hungry," Ace mumbled in response, a scowl etched between his brows.

"Same," Kaden said, laying his head on his twins shoulder.

The rest began to mumble their agreements before Zac cut them off.

"We all need to eat, I don't care if you guys are hungry or not." Zac sternly told him, his strict demeanour faltering slightly as he whispered,  "please?" He needed a break from this court room.

They could all her the fatigue in their eldest brothers voice, the sound alone urging them to agree with his request.

"I vote we get burgers and shakes," Grey said as he stood from the bench, attempting to lift the mood with some comfort food.

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