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New — Year's — Day.

We all slept in the party room last night. After the clock struck midnight, we danced some more, laughed and played a weird game named charades. Safe to say, I was terrible. Having only seen a handful of movies in my life, I failed each and every guess. For those who choose books, they unknowingly helped me win those rounds; reading being my favourite hobby.

As the night drew to an end, multiple yawns echoed through the large room. Zac stood to his feet, pulling out each of the couches, creating some form of bed. We all quickly made our way back to our bedrooms, changing into some comfortable pyjamas, before heading back to the party room.

Each of us shared a couch bed, Jack and I sharing with Leo, whilst the others fought among themselves. Apparently no one wanted to share with Alessio, due to his bed hogging tendencies. After thirty minutes of arguing, the sleeping arrangements had finally been solved.

We all got cosy on our make shift beds, Grey handed everyone blankets and pillows, whilst Callan set up the projector. Killian chose the movie; a random film about dogs, and their purpose. It was strange, but I loved it, and the dog could talk... kinda.

It made me cry.

I wasn't the only one who cried though.

As we watched Bailey, run across the rainbow bridge towards Ethan— Killian, Grey, Alex, Ander, Alessio, Ezra, Sofia, Nonna, Aunt Eliza, Aunt Tessa and I, sobbed our hearts out. Ace, Kaden and Damon laughed, sadists. The rest of the boys, somehow managed to hold back their tears... apart from Leo, who stared blankly at the screen.

"I want a dog." I sobbed, staring at the credits.

"Me too!"  Sofia cried.

"I'll get you both a dog, if you please, stop crying." Callan begged, echoes of agreements falling his words.

"Oh my god, I love you!" Sofia beamed, wrapping her arms around Callan's neck.

"I heard at least ten of you offer me a dog, does that mean I get ten?!" I questioned, my eyes now dry and filled with excitement.

"Yeah, no." Elijah laughs.

"What he said." Tony nods in agreement.

"I'd love ten dogs." Ryder whined, before sheepishly clearing his throat.

"One dog is more than enough." Zac states. "We can talk about the dog situation in the morning, get some sleep, all of you. Buonanotte, ti amo tutti.

"Goodnight everyone." I mumble, pulling the blankets up to my chin.

"Can we be like the Waltons? I'll start, goodnight Antonio."

The who?

"Ander, shut the fuck up." Tony huffs, whacking Ander with a pillow.

"Wow, bro, chill. I thought it would be cute."

"If we done that, we'd be here all night. No one would get any sleep." Alessandro claims.

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