T W E N T Y - F I V E

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As we pulled into the parking lot of Riverside High, I had finally managed to calm my nerves- for now. I wouldn't see Jack until lunch time or at the end of the school day, so there would be no point in working myself up for a conversation that would't be taking place for hours. Until then, I'm going to focus on school and seeing my friends.

I can't wait to tell them about the sleepover, now I finally have fun things I can share with them. Anytime we've spoken- apart from when they were getting to know me. It's mainly been them telling me about how awesome their weekend has been or how they had gone to the movies, or Mi of course, going on about the vampire diaries, now I can contribute- I've seen a movie.

I can talk to them about Mulan, I'm positive they would have all seen it. Maya and Bella for sure- would love the main character, as they're all for feminisim. They're both on the student council and at the end of the semester, they will be approaching the principle with a pitch about funding for the female sports teams in the school, due to the fact that the all male football team is taking most of the expences. I silently pray for the principle, Mi can be very scary- I wouldn't want to mess with her.

I can even talk to Luke about the songs that were played in the film, he's a sucker for good music- maybe we can play one of the songs during our music class?

I don't need to worry about making conversation with Em, somehow we just click. He doesn't go on about all the fun things he's done after school or at the weekends, instead he'll chat with me about school, our favourite classes, favourite teachers and anytime we're walking together in the hall ways he'll start pointing out all the cute boys. He doesn't speak about Killian though, which I find a little odd considering Maya had said Emilio had a crush on him. I'll have to ask him about that.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts as Callan switches off the engine. Leo and I grab our back packs before exiting the car, Carter and Callan doing the same. We bid the boys farewell as they head over to Alex's car before they all go off to find Jack, Enzo and Elliot. Leo takes my hand in his as we manover our way through the busy parking lot, a lot of girls still give me glares when they see me hanging around with the Lombardi brothers but I try not to pay attention to them- Leo on the other hand, he glares right back. I don't like any of the boys in that way, like Leo- I see them more as siblings, considering we all look similar to one another and they treat me as such. Plus I'm only twelve, I've never even had a crush- Well unless General Shang counts?

We don't even get inside the school's enterance as both our bodies are pulled into a loving bear hug- Emilio of course. I giggle and wrap my free arm around Em's neck, considering he's literally pulled me off my feet. Leo on the other hand is not giggling. Instead he's giving Milo a glare, not the same glare he gave the mean girls on the way in. This is more of a soft glare, equally as terrifying- which Em of course ignores.

"Em, put me fucking down"

Milo laughs and tightens his arms around Leo and I, how the heck can he lift us both?

"No Leoooo, I missed you guys" I giggle and wrap my arms tighter around him as I happily reply "I missed you to Milo"

Leo continues to grumble as he manages to push his way out of Emilio's grip, which makes Em release me to.

"I didn't miss you, so stop fucking hugging me" Ouch, I don't get why Leo is being so harsh, he knows Em's a hugger. I turn to Em expecting to see hurt etched on his face, but to my suprise he doesn't look affected at all, instead he's smirking at him.

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