N I N E T Y - O N E

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The court buildings were not a new sight for Zac. With his career as lawyer — one of the best in the country at that — Zac was in this building almost as much as he was at home.

Today, however was different. Zac wasn't here for work, he wasn't representing someone else. Zac was here for himself.

Of course he had Grey by his side. Both men dressed in their elegant suits — Zac's a three piece dark navy blue with a white button shirt, whilst Grey opted for the identical version only in burgundy — the overwhelming scent of their cologne, as Lily would say, lingering with every step they took.

Grey would often tell Lily that Johnny Depp wore the exact fragrance; hence why Grey drowned himself in it, being the huge fan that he is. Can you blame him?  Though Kaden would then remind Grey that, just because Johnny Depp was a representative for the brand; it didn't mean he actually wore it. Grey didn't take his words to seriously, Johnny wore it, he did, he definitely did.

The men headed through the large oak double doors, leading toward the smaller court offices. Grey smiled awkwardly shuffling slightly as Zac greeted each person they'd pass.

It was quiet for a Monday morning, much quieter than Zac had expected. One thing Zac really didn't expect though, was to come face to face with a familiar grey haired man.

"Nonno?" Zac stared at the older man in shock, halting in his steps. "What're you doing here?"

Francesco scoffed, completely ignoring Zac's question, he said. "I can't believe you never told me about this Zachary. You too Greyson." He shook his head at each man, disappointment clear in his azure gaze.

"Nonno, we're sorry." Grey cowered under his piercing gaze.

Grey could never handle the use of his full name, especially from his grandfather. The name Greyson almost always came with a scolding.

"We can handle this on our own."

"Zac!" Grey hissed.

"No, Zachary. You can't." Francesco stated simply. "I'll be representing you today. The last thing I want is for Adamo to gain custody of Leo. I'm here to help you."

"Nonno, I can handle this!" Zac repeated, "I'm not a child, I'm Leo's guardian. I should be the one fighting this, not you."

"Then why is Grey here with you if you can handle this alone?" Francesco raised an eyebrow, before sighing, "Zac," he placed a hand on his grandson's shoulder. "Grey is only twenty one and is not a lawyer. I, on the other hand, am an adult as well as a lawyer. Let me help you."

Grey wanted to correct his nonno and state that he was also an adult, but he decided it may be the wrong time to do so.

Angry nonno was scary.


Francesco cut him off, "You're not a failure for accepting help bambino. You're his guardian, I'm not dismissing that, but that doesn't mean you need to do this alone."

"Okay," Zac breathed. A slight grimace on his face at the being called bambino. Zac was no fucking baby. "Thank you."

"That's my boy." Francesco grinned before turning to his younger grandson. "Grey, go home." He shooed with a flick of the wrist.

Greg's mouth dropped open in shock. "But, Nonno, I want to be here."

"Greyson, I will not repeat myself."

"Sí, Nonno." Grey's shoulders slumped in defeat. "I'll just... um... go then."

Zac pulled his brother into a hug, "it'll be okay, I'll call you when I know something. Okay?"

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