S E V E N T Y - F O U R

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Zac and Grey stood at the top of the staircase, both in their nightwear. Their eyes blazing with a mixture of relief and impatience as they stared at the two of us.

Leo and I locked gazes. My eyes showcasing just how nervous I was, whilst his remained impassive. I couldn't understand how he could be so care free in this moment. I don't know what Leo was doing tonight, he didn't want to tell me who he was out with, so surely he won't want to tell our brothers. How can he be so calm?

"I'm not going to ask again," Zac sternly stated, making his way down the stairs, his feet harshly thumping the floor beneath.

"Out." Leo shrugged, clearly unbothered by our brothers glare. He was acting strange, this wasn't my Leo...

It's no secret to my brothers and I, that Leo's always been a boy of few words, but this was different. Before tonight, in the times when he did speak, you could still tell he cared. Right now, in this moment, he didn't care about anything at all. And that scared me.

"Out." Grey repeated mockingly, a look of disbelief overtaking his sharp features. "Not a good enough response Le. It's five in the morning, where the hell have you both been!?"

I've been with my bridge boy, on our bridge.

"We couldn't sleep after everything that happened today, we needed fresh air, so we went for a walk. Didn't we Lil?" Leo replied, the lie rolling from his tongue so easily.

I stared at him wide eyed. I can't lie to our brothers, not after everything they've done for me... could I?

Two options; that's what I've got.

Option one; I could tell them the truth. That being, that I had no idea where Leo has been. Then after betraying Leo in a way, I'd tell them how I've been spending most nights with a boy I'd met on a bridge close to a week ago. But if I tell them about Rafe, they may forbid me from seeing him, I wouldn't blame them for that. To them; Rafe's a stranger, a stranger that's male and is two years older than me. They wouldn't understand our bond, they wouldn't understand just how much I need him — I don't even understand it myself. But I do need him, more than I'd like to admit, and I know he needs me just as much.

Option two; I could agree with Leo's statement, I could simply lie. The lie wasn't unbelievable — in a way, the words Leo had spoke were true. Today had been tiring, physically, mentally, emotionally... I did need air, I don't doubt that Leo needed it too. But I would still be lying if I said I was with Leo, I'd be lying straight to their faces.

Option one would be betraying Leo, and in a way, betraying Rafe.

Option two would be betraying my two oldest brothers, and myself. I swore to myself that I'd never lie to my brothers, that I'd always show them respect and gratitude for everything they've helped me though, lying to their faces would be the complete opposite of that.

I chose option three.

"I couldn't sleep, I needed fresh air." I admitted, picking at the hangnail on my left thumb. This wasn't a lie... I'm simply just leaving out a few details. "I didn't think anyone would be awake before I got back. I'm sorry for scaring or worrying either of you, I really didn't mean to." I sighed sadly, the bitter taste of guilt seeping from my tongue.

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