F O R T Y - T W O

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The drive thirty minute drive to the mall was uneventful— Jack, Callan and Carter spoke about an upcoming football game whilst Leo silently drew in his sketch pad. Me on the other hand, I took the time to gaze at my surroundings. I'd never been to the mall, let alone drove the streets surrounding it.

I really want to ask my brothers to take me on a tour of the city, being sheltered— if you can call it that— my whole life, withheld me from seeing the outside world. I lived in LA for ten years and you're lucky if I had been outside a handful of times. I want to see this city; the Empire State Building, Brooklyn bridge, the Statue of Liberty, the Hudson River— so many places and now I have the freedom to experience it.

I caught Callan's eye as he gazed at me through the rear view mirror. "What you thinking so hard about Lil?"

Should I bite the bullet and just ask? You can do it Lily.

"I was wondering, I've never really seen the city and well um I'd really like to."

That is not how to ask! I mentally facepalm myself, why is it so hard to ask such a simple question?

"We can take you on a tour tonight if you want tesoro?" Carter suggests, I internally squeal.

"Really!?" My voice coming out an octave higher, making me flush with embarrassment.

"Yes, really." Carter mocks as he squeals out the last word, causing me to roll my eyes. "Tell us where you'd like to go and we will add on some of our favourite places."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"It's our pleasure bambina, c'mon that's us here."


As we all exit the vehicle, I notice Zac pulling up beside us. I can't take my eyes off of the large building ahead— this is a mall? It's huge! We wait for our brothers to exit the other car before we all walk to the entrance, I gently grip onto Kaden's shirt— afraid that I'll somehow get lost in the sea of people. Upon feeling my hands clasped to his shirt Kaden turns to me with a raised eyebrow as I stare at him wide eyed.

"You okay principessa?"

"Yeah, there's just a lot of people. I um don't want to get lost." I sheepishly admit, causing Kaden to smirk.

"Don't worry kiddo, remember you've got ten overprotective older brothers here with you." He laughs as he gently removes my hand from his shirt, interwinding it with his own.

"Right where to first?" Grey mumbles, more to himself than anyone else. "Clothes, we'll get clothes first."

He just answered his own question...

We trail behind Grey as he power walks towards a large clothing store, the large sign above the entrance reading Forever 21. I nearly hit a jog as my small legs struggle to keep up with my brothers large strides, Kaden is practically pulling me along at this point. As we enter the store I can't help but look around in awe, there's so many clothes.

"Pick whatever you want bambina." Zac states as he comes to stand beside Kaden and I.

"I don't know what to choose." I mumble shyly, staring at my feet as I continue. "I've never been shopping before."

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