S E V E N T Y - F I V E

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— B I R T H D A Y —


Birthdays have never been something for me to celebrate. Living the life I had before this one — I didn't even know the date I was born. Each year, I'd grant myself as another year older when the clock struck midnight on New Years. And each year, I'd do that alone.

I never felt like I had much of a reason to celebrate living, not when all I wished for was to be dead. It's scary, when I think back to my life in that basement — it may have only been a few months ago, but my thoughts have changed so much, it now feels like years have passed. Time is a funny thing. I can't believe how much has changed in such a short span of time. In that basement, I welcomed death, I didn't fear it, I wasn't scared, truthfully, I didn't care. Now, I'm terrified of death, the thought of me dying, or the people around me, sends shivers down my spine.

I finally have everything I've ever wished for, the life I've longed to live. And I couldn't be happier.


Waking up today — on my thirteenth birthday, I couldn't stop the wide genuine smile that overtook my mouth. Staring at Leo's peaceful face, I sighed in content. Zac had made us both sleep in his room last night, telling us that we should be together for our first reunited birthday celebration. Neither Leo or I had complained about this. In truth, I couldn't think of a better sight to wake up to.

I'd always felt like something had been missing in my life. That a part of me had been lost but I had no clue as to what. Now — I know that part was Leo. As much as I'm my own person, Leo is what I needed to become whole. He was my missing piece, I could never imagine not having him in my life.

Zac was nowhere in sight, which wasn't unusual, I knew my eldest brother tended to wake up earlier than each of us. Stretching my limbs, my gaze drifted to the alarm clock on the bedside table, the red numbers flashing — 5.45 AM. It was earlier than I'd usually venture out of bed, but that didn't deter me from getting up — I wanted this day to be as long as possible.

I grabbed my phone from Zac's bedside table, my eyes immediately greeted with multiple messages from my friends.

Emilio — HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIL!! Today is now classed as my most favourite day of the year. I can't wait to give my two favourite people in the world the biggest hug! I'll see you this afternoon bestie. Love you. Xo

Maya — Happy Birthday! I can't believe you share it with the spawn of Satan. Hope you have an amazing morning Lil! I'll see you soon!

Luke — Happy Birthday Lil! I'll see you and Leo tonight. Lots of love.

Atlas — HAPPY MF BIRTHDAY! Can't wait for cake! Love you Lils. P.S I've got you the most awesomest gift. Ever.

Bella — Happy Birthday, Lily! Can't wait to see you! I miss you!

I smiled largely as I read each message. I truly have the most amazing friends, I'm so lucky to have them. I replied to each of their messages, until my phone pinged — alerting me of a new one.

Bridge Boy — Happy Birthday Blue! I hope you enjoy your day. You deserve nothing but the best. I'll see you tonight?

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