E I G H T Y - T H R E E

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My fingers trembled as I fumbled with the tie around my nape, after three failed attempts of looping the material, I gave up. My nerves were starting to get the better of me, my chest felt heavy as my mind became overwhelmed with the thoughts of everything that could occur today.

I knew that no one — bar my close friends and family, knew of what happened to Jack and I, with us being underage thankfully our names had been kept from the press, but that did little to ease my discomfort.

Going back to school as Lily Lombardi instead of Adams would straight away draw attention. I knew there would be questions — questions I wasn't so sure on how to answer.

Realistically I didn't have to say a thing, if someone asked why, I could brush them off, but then... rumours would start. As much as I've enjoyed school so far, kids can be cruel, they can say things without even realising the weight behind their words.

A low knock echoed through my room as two of my brothers appeared in the doorway, snapping me straight from my nauseating thoughts.

"You okay?" Jack asked me, his school uniform being much more put together than mine.

I sighed heavily, sending Jack a strained smile, "I'm okay, I'm just..."

"Nervous?" Leo added, a sympathetic tone to his soft voice.

"Mhm," I confirmed with a light nod and a long exhale of breath. "What if they ask questions? I... I don't know what to tell them."

"Then, don't." My twin shrugged.

"Leo's right, we don't need to tell anyone shit." Jack agreed as he strode towards me. "It's our business, no one else's." He said softly, his hands coming to grip the ends of my navy blue tie.

"Thank you." I whispered, sending Jack a smile as he looped the fabric neatly, tucking it under the collar of my white shirt. "I know it's our business, I just don't want to hear the stupid rumours that will come from my lack of answers."

"Even if you tell someone the truth, it'll get twisted regardless." Leo stated, his hands tucked into the pockets of his black school pants. "Don't stress yourself over meaningless gossip Lil."

"But... if they ask why my name is Lombardi instead of Adams, what do I say?"

"If you want to answer, then you tell the truth. You're our sister, just as Jack's our brother. You don't owe anyone a further explanation than that."

"Okay," I breathed, "it'll be okay." I spoke my thoughts aloud.

"Of course it'll be okay, you'll have all of us there." Jack smiled, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. "Now, how about us three head downstairs before Carter eats everything Grey has cooked."

I nodded with a slight laugh, not protesting as Jack led me out of my room with Leo following in tow.

"Have you spoken with the boys yet?" I asked Leo as the three of us walked down the narrow hallway. I knew he was fine with Jack, Callan and I, but I didn't know if he'd forgiven the rest of our brothers, or if any of them had approached him.

"Not really." He sighed lightly, "Zac and Grey are picking me up from school today, apparently they want to have a chat."

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