T W E N T Y - T H R E E

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We all piled into the cinema room, Leo still hung over Zac's shoulder, he'd gave up trying to be set down and just hung there like a sack of potatoes, it was really funny. I walked towards the large comfortable looking leather chairs and took a seat between Ace and Carter, as Zac dropped Leo onto the seat next to Alex before sitting down on the free one next him.

"What do you want to watch Lil?"

Everyone in the room turned to me as I looked at Carter and shrugged my shoulders.

"Anything I don't mind" I've never watched a movie

"Do you like Disney?" What's Disney?

"Uhm... sure"

Carter eyed me suspiciously as did the rest of the boys in the room, I put my head down and stared at the soft carpet covered floors as Carter let out a sigh-

"Okay, how about we watch Mulan?" 

There was a chorus of groans heard around the room, is this not a good movie?

"Carter, you always pick Mulan"

"Shut the fuck up Ace" Carter hit Ace on the back of the head as Grey then scalded him for his cussing "Mulan is the best disney film there is, do you agree Lil?"

"Oh uhm well- I've never seen it"

Everyone in the room was now gaping at me in shock, I could feel my breathing hitch as anxiety coursed through my veins- please stop staring at me. I turned my gaze once again to the floor, I shouldn't have said that, why am I so stupid. I should have just agreed with Carter, they wouldn't be staring at me if I had just said yes. Why can't I do anything right they're going to think I'm pathetic.

"How can you not have seen Mulan!?" Ace states as he stares at me in disbelif, I thought he didn't like it, why does it matter?

"I've j-just never seen it before, my um p-parent's don't like me watching to much television" I mean its technically not a lie.

They all tense at the mention of my parents, strange. A look in their eyes that I don't understand, it's not anger but it's close. My palms begin to tremble as I feel the atmosphere in the room become heavy.

Breathe Lily breathe; inhale- exhale, breathe.

I steady my breathing and clench my hands into fists digging my nails into my palms to try and ease the tremors. The familiar feeling of my nails breaking my already scarred skin, giving me some sort of comfort, some sort of control.

Fingers begin to snap in front of my eyes as I look into Carter's worried pale blue eyes and realise he's been trying to get my attention but I've been to caught up in my internal panic to even notice. I look at Carter, a small smile forced onto my lips.

"I'm sorry, I got lost in my head"

He eyed me suspisiously before gently placing his hand in mine therefore removing my self inflicted comfort and replacing it with his own. He interlocks his large fingers with my tiny ones and began to rub small circles on the back of my hand with his thumb, it felt nice.

"It's okay bambina, I was saying we are definetly watching Mulan- I can't belive you've never seen it before. It's honestly the greatest disney movie of all time"

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