E I G H T Y - F I V E

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The drive to the ice cream parlour was painfully silent — I could feel my brothers uneasy eyes boring into me from the mirrors ahead, their mouths each opening and closing — similar to that of a fish.

It was amusing to me, I didn't understand why they felt so nervous. Unless this was where they'd tell me they'd had enough, that I was too much of a burden for them to cope with... they wouldn't do that... would they?

I know my brothers love me, they've never given me a reason to doubt their love... though sometimes I wonder if they love me enough, if they love me as much as they used too.

If they love me as much as they love each other—

We entered the small ice cream parlour, the fluorescent pink lights a head of the counter glistening brightly, reflecting off of the glass ice cream station — it was pretty, unique some would say. The walls were covered in giant sculptures of animated cartoon cones and sundaes, adding a childlike vibe to the small shop.

"Hi, my names Demi." The young red haired girl behind the counter said with a kind smile, "What can I get you all today?"

"Hi, can we have three tubs please? Two with chocolate, one with Oreo." Zac asked politely.

At least he remembers my ice cream flavour.

"Sure, have a seat and I'll bring them over!" She told Zac, gesturing to the booths behind us.

"Oh, we're taking them to go."

"No problem, I'll be two minutes." She smiled, disappearing behind the counter top.

"So... how was school Le?" Grey asked hesitantly with a small smile.

Why do I feel so awkward.

I shrugged, "Fine." His smile dimmed slightly, the sight alone caused me to continue.

"Everyone thinks I'm gay." I blurted, trying to make conversation for once in my life.

That definitely got their attention.

"What?" They both asked, "Why?" Grey seemed confused.

"'Cause of Emilio... well kinda, it's more Atlas' fault."

"Gonna need more than that to go on Le." Zac laughed lightly.

I sighed, "Remember when I was eight and seen you kissing that girl?"

Zac's eyes lit up in realisation, "Yeah?"

"Well... do you remember what you told me when I asked you why?"

"Um... I think I said you kiss someone you really really like." He frowned, "or it was close to that."

"Mhm, well... I really really liked Emilio."

"I'm confused," Said Grey, "Then or now?"


"Then. So since you told me you kiss people you really really like, I told Emilio and I think you can guess the rest." I said, thanking Demi as she handed me my tub of ice cream.

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