T H I R T Y - E I G H T

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My azure eyes lit up with excitement as Jack started the movie on the small hospital television. I've never celebrated Christmas never mind Christmas eve.

The rest of our brothers had left a few hours ago stating they'd return by tonight. Leo and I still hadn't spoken about the lying situation four days ago— to say things are awkward is an understatement. I can't help but feel somewhat guilty, I know why Leo done what he did, but I still can't help feeling slightly hurt. To add to the awkwardness— Leo and Ace aren't on speaking terms either. I don't know the full story just that— in Carter's own words, Ace was a 'dick' and Leo had punched him.

Jack and I have noticed the atmosphere between the two. Ace has asked Leo many times if they could talk, but the latter just ignores all his advances.

I've decided I'm going to reach out to Leo, I think I've been giving him the silent treatment for long enough. I don't want my brother, my twin— to be hurt by my stubbornness any longer and I don't want our first Christmas together to be unpleasant. I also want to speak with Emilio, I can't let go of the fact he- to had lied to me for so many weeks. I wish I could be more understanding, but my trust was already fragile and the lies have left me feeling more vulnerable.

"You'll love this film Lil." Jack states his azure gaze meeting my own as he sends me a large grin, teeth and all.

I'm so glad he's okay— after what happened four days ago I can't help but feel scared, I truly thought I was going to lose him.

When Dr Owens had told us Jack was alive and they'd regained his heartbeat, I cried harder than I've ever cried before. The sheer relief in my chest overwhelmed my senses to the point I had a complete breakdown. A blood clot had made its way to Jack's heart— causing the cardiac arrest. He had to be shocked three times before they got a rhythm— three!!! My brothers had also broke down, sobbing uncontrollably— like myself. It warmed my heart to see how much they cared for him.

"What movie are we watching and what's it about?" I ask Jack curiously.

"Home Alone. It's about an eight year old kid that gets accidentally left home alone in America on Christmas Eve, whilst his full family go to Paris."

"It sounds sad, why would I love the fact the kid got left home by himself?" I ask confusion evident on my soft features.

"Well he encounters burglars and sets up traps, he's real smart— trust me this is a classic."

"I trust you."


As the film comes to an end I can't keep the smile off my face, Jack was right— I did love it. I think of all the things I've missed throughout my childhood— something as simple as a movie night with my older brother has lifted my spirits and saved me from overthinking, if only I had this escape years ago.

"We need to watch the second one Lil— it's just as good, but the third and fourth are shit."  Jack tells me, his nose scrunching slightly in distaste, as he talks about the third and fourth film.

"Can we watch the second one tonight?" I all but plead as I clasp my hands in a praying manner.

"Sure, I'll see if it's on Netflix."

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