F O R T Y - O N E

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"No thanks, I don't want my nails painted." Carter groans after hearing Sofia's suggestion.

"Oh c'mon fratello, you can take it off if you don't like it."

"No Alex, I'm a man— men don't paint their nails."

"Carter, I'm a man and, oh would you look at that... my nails are painted."

"Alex I'm not going it and you're not a man, you're a boy."

"I'm a MAN Car! Yes you are."

"No you ain't and no I'm not."

"You are."

"I'm not!"

"Oh for fuck sake" Callan groans as he glares at the two. "Carter you're getting your nails painted, Lily needs to learn and stop annoying Alex, he is a man— painting your nails doesn't take away your masculinity."

"Yes preach it Cal!" Sof cheers whilst throwing her arms around Callan, causing me to giggle.

"Fucking hell, fine but Lily you owe me." Carter grumbles, causing me to stare at him wide eyed.

"I owe you? What? Why?" I ask timidly.

"Welcome to sibling hood sorellina, nothing is for free." Carter grins evilly, which falls to a frown as Ace whacks him on the back of the head. "Ace, what the fuck?!"

Ace flips Carter off before turning to me with a large smile.

"Ignore him Lil, you owe him nothing. We— as your big brothers, are more than happy to help you. But, I want a smiley face on my middle finger so you need to learn how to do that."

I nod at Ace sending him a small smile as he ruffles my brunette curls.


"Lily for fuck sake, you're meant to paint my nails not my full finger and why the fuck are they pink!?"

I giggle at Carter's outburst as I continue to brush the bright pink polish onto his nails. And his finger tips— oops.

"I have a broken arm Carter, it's hard! Plus it doesn't help that you keep moving and they're pink because I like pink." I mumble as I grab his hand to stop it from moving.

"Well I don't like pink and I'm not moving it's your fault not mine."

"Stop being mean, I'm trying my best." I respond sadly, as tears pool in my eyes— well fake tears but what Carter doesn't know won't hurt. "It's harder than I thought it would be." I wipe my eyes with the back of my hand to add to my theatrics.

"Shit— no Lil, bambina it's my fault, I'm sorry. You're right I moved, the pink is um.. it's interesting."

So gullible.

Carter's azure gaze meets my own causing me to bite my lip to stop a giggle from escaping. I can see Sofia staring at me, her eyes lit up in amusement at Carter's discomfort. She locks as with Carter, a large grin making its way to her face as she begins to speak.

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