S E V E N T Y - S I X

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t h i r d — p e r s o n — p o v

Rafe stood frozen as he stared at the girl in front of him, nothing was making sense. When Sofia had told him that they were going to Callan's youngest siblings birthday party, he assumed it was Leo's birthday, knowing that he was Ace's youngest brother. Ace had never mentioned that he had a sister.

Suddenly, Rafe felt a wave of fear wash over him. He'd shared his deepest and darkest secrets with a girl — whom he assumed to be a stranger, a stranger that had soon turned into one of his closest friends. That didn't deter him from the fact that Lily was indeed his best friends little sister. What if she tells him— Rafe thought. She wouldn't do that— he tried to reassure himself.

He could see the eldest two Lombardi brothers stare at him. A glint in their eyes, telling him that they knew something. Rafe thought back to this morning, Lily's text message. Maybe they were looking at him because they knew he was her friend? Yeah that's it, she wouldn't tell them anything more... would she?

"Beck!" A familiar called, bringing Rafe out of his overwhelming thoughts.

Ace approached his best friend, wrapping his arms around him — eluding a small wince from the younger boy.

"You good bro?" Ace asked, staring at Rafe with shocked eyes. "What happened to your face?" He asked, his eyes skimming over the bruises littering his best friends face.

"I'm fine Ace, don't worry about it." Rafe smiled, the gesture not quite meeting his eyes. "I missed you." He told Ace honestly.

Ace grinned at his friend, "I missed you too."

"Beck, Aaron." Sofia called out to her brothers, "Come meet some of Cal's family."

Rafe patted Ace's back, as Aaron pulled him over to their sister.

"Cal this is my little brother, Beck." Sofia told her boyfriend, as she smiled softly at Rafe.

"Nice to finally meet you, Beck." Callan grinned, turning his gaze to Aaron, "Hey," He greeted his friend with a bro hug. "Aaron, Beck. These are my older brothers, Grey and Zac." He gestures towards two. "And this," he wrapped an arm around Lily's shoulders. "Is my little sister, Lily."

"It's nice to meet you both." Zac smiled, though his eyes trailed over the purple and blue hues coating Rafe's face. The action didn't go unnoticed by anyone.

"Nice to meet you, guys." Aaron smiled, extending his hand toward the two eldest Lombardi's. "Don't worry about his face, Beck tends to get into a lot of fights." Aaron frowned, shooting his brother a look of disapproval.

"Does he now." Zac said, shaking Aaron's hand with a small strained smile. "I'm guessing Beck is a nickname?" He asked, his question directed to no one in particular.

Zac wasn't stupid, he'd heard Lily mumble the name Rafe. The same name of the boy she'd mentioned the night before. Zac had also noticed the shocked glance they'd both shared, telling him that neither had known their connection to one another. Which got him thinking — just how had these two kids met?

"Yeah, Beck is a nickname." Aaron responded, gently wrapping an arm around his brothers shoulders. "He's gone by the name Beck for years, for some reason we ended up calling him by it too." He laughed lightly.

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