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As I exited the bathroom, Sofia began to jump up and down— clapping her hands, causing me to giggle.

"You look absolutely stunning Lil." She claims, as she stares at me in awe.

"Thank you Sof." I whisper. "You look beautiful."

And she did. The elegant sleeveless red dress stood out against her pale skin, the neckline littered with small diamond like beads. Her red hair hung in ringlets down to the end of her waist, two small braids situated at each side of her head. Her once pink lips now coated in a matte red lipstick, her green eyes— almost cat like, from the black winged liner.

"Thank you my love. Callan got this dress for me. He's excited for me to meet the rest of his family. I can't help but feel nervous."

"You and me both, I hope they're as nice as my brothers."

"They'll love you Lil. Trust me, it would be hard not too."

"Ditto Sof."

At five, forty five pm, Sofia and I made our way down stairs, her stiletto heels tapping against the wooden floor. As we reached the living room, I couldn't help but stare at all my brothers. Zac and Grey both had on three piece suits, whilst the others dressed— a bit less business like, wearing suit pants with expensive shirts, though that didn't make them look any less elegant.

Alex's shirt was my favourite, it looked smooth— maybe silk? And, what made it more interesting, was the fact it was covered in small grey skulls. As I stared at him; the skull shirt, skinny black suit pants, that were slightly rolled up at his ankles, the silver rings on his fingers, the necklaces around his nape and black polish coating his nails, I couldn't help but smile— he looks so cool.

"You all look so pretty." I voiced, causing all their heads to turn to Sofia and I.

All of my brothers stared at me, looking me up and down, their pale blue eyes wide— as though they are in shock. The intensity of their gaze caused me to fidget, my hands toying with the end of my dress, as I rocked back and forth on my feet.

Sofia cleared her throat, snapping the boys from their staring contest. Thank god.

"You look beautiful bambina."


"I'm not pretty, I'm handsome Lily."

"Yeah, pretty's such a shit word, I'm hot."

"Will you two please, shut the fuck up." Callan scolded Carter and Ace. Turning to Sofia and I, he smiled. "You both look absolutely stunning."

"You look adorable Lil."



I blush at each compliment my brothers give, returning my own— praising each of them for having such a great sense of style.

I headed towards the window, towards Jack, who- was staring out at the snow covered driveway. His hands slightly shaking, frown lines coating his forehead, as he gnawed on his bottom lip, nervously.

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