T H I R T Y - O N E

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The Lombardi brothers were exhausted. The worry they felt for their sister, their friend and now their younger brother causing them to feel fatigued.

It had been thirty minutes since Leo had passed out. Thirty minutes that felt like thirty hours.

And to top that off they still had no news on Lily or Jack.

Ace was walking down the narrow fluorescent white hallways of the hospital, pacing back and forth, a permanent scowl etched on his once soft features. He was angry. Pissed. The only thought raging through his mind was why hadn't he listened to Leo? Why hadn't any of them? Leo wasn't one to feel. They all knew that. He was practically emotionless, he always has been, since he lost her, since he lost them. He rarely showed any sentiment. Ace could count on one hand the amount of times his baby brother had cried or even smiled, which truly saddened him, it saddened them all. So why, when they seen their youngest brother filled with worry- why hadn't they listened to him?

Grey was anxious, he was scared. He was scared for Lily, he was scared for Jack and he was scared for Leo. He seen himself as a parental figure to them all, now- including Lily and Jack.

After their parents passing, then their grandfather. Zac and Grey practically raised their younger brothers, even though they were mere teenagers themselves. Grey loved his brothers whole heartedly and equally, but he couldn't help his favouring of Leo. Leo was different, he wasn't like his other siblings. He was troubled, lost in his head, lost in his emotions. Thus causing Grey to always feel overly protective of the twelve year old. Grey knew he wasn't the only one who favoured Leo. All his brothers did. Not favouring in a way of loving him more, no. They just felt the need to look out for him more, protect him. His emotionless almost dark self, his numbness- it terrified them, all of them.

"How much longer till we hear some news?" Kaden murmured, worry evident in his tone. "It's been over an hour since Jack and Lily went into surgery and thirty minutes since Leo passed out. I want to know what's going on, someone must fucking know something!"

He was terrified, he just wanted to know if his little brother and sister were okay, Jack too. Killian gripped Kaden's hand tightly supporting his brother with an unspoken act of comfort.

"Language Kaden." Grey scolded. He never knew what to say, he himself was getting impatient.

"Language Kaden." The boy in question mocked, causing Grey to narrow his eyes at the older twin. "I don't give a shit about my language Grey. Someone better fucking tell me something soon."

Grey was becoming angry. He knew Kaden struggled to contain his anger. Ace, Carter and Kaden were the hotheads of the family, sometimes Leo was too, but in a different way. Kaden, Ace and Carter expressed their anger with their words- sometimes their fists. Leo on the other hand held in his anger, then, when it got to much- that's when he would blow.

Grey clenched his jaw, narrowing his eyes at Kaden. He wouldn't loose his temper, he couldn't, he had to stay calm.

"Kaden, I won't tell you again- watch your mouth. Don't you think we're all stressed? That we're all worried?" Kaden looked to his feet, he felt shame wash over him as he recalled the words he spoke to his elder brother.

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