F O R T Y - F I VE

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t h i r d — p e r s o n — p o v

The night grew darker and colder as the nine Lombardi brothers searched the quieting streets of New York City. The fear in their hearts grew as hours began to pass, it was now nearing midnight and their was still no sign of their two youngest siblings.

Zac, Kaden and Killian had been wondering around silently on high alert. Their azure eyes wide as they prayed for their siblings to come into sight.

The shrill of Zac's iPhone pierced the silence of the three brothers. Each of them froze, praying it was a phone call from the twins. Kaden and Killian stared at their eldest brother as he pulled his iPhone from his jacket pocket.

"Zac" Ryan's deep voice pierced through the speaker.

Ryan had been one of Zac's closest friends since childhood. He was a police officer with the NYPD, in line to become a detective. Ryan had always been close with the Lombardi brothers, he had even known Lily when she was a toddler and has always felt very protective over Leo, with him being the youngest and most reserved. The police officer went out of his way to help Zac and Grey in their fight to require custody of Lily and Jack after the recent events that occurred.

Having received a phone call from his best friend a mere two and a half hours ago stating to him that Leo and Lily had gone missing in New York City at nearing ten at night— Ryan was riddled with worry, he sent patrol cars out to look for the preteens, he himself was driving around the city on high alert.

"Ryan, did you find anything?" Zac questioned, his deep voice sounding hopeful.

"Sì fratello, Leo used his card at a food truck over an hour ago." Ryan stated, causing a slight feeling of relief to wash over Zac.

"What food truck, where?" Zac quickly asked. Kaden and Killian's ears perked up as they stared at their eldest sibling.

"The fun fair." Ryan murmured. "It closes soon, we have to hurry— I'm five minutes away."

"Shit, why the fuck didn't I think of that, I'll met you there." Zac mumbled, before cutting the call.

"Where are they?" Kaden quickly asked, he needed to know if the twins were okay.

"Leo used his card at the fun fair an hour ago."

"Why the fuck didn't we check there, c'mon we need to run it's like fifteen minutes from here." Killian stated as he broke into a sprint, his brothers following close behind as Zac pulled out his phone to call Grey.


"Why the fuck didn't I turn back and check on them, it's been almost three hours where the fuck are they." Jack was worried, he could feel the anxiety seeping through his veins, his hands hadn't stopped trembling since the disappearance of his youngest siblings. Guilt was gnawing at him, why didn't he turn around?

"Jack, you need to calm down— we're all worried, but working yourself up won't help." Alex voiced softly, he could see Jack slowly losing himself.

"Calm down? Seriously Alex? It's fucking pitch black and we've lost two twelve year olds, in the middle of New York because we were to busy talking about football, fucking football!" Jack exclaimed as he glared at Alex.

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