F I F T Y - E I G H T

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   I sat in the brightly lit waiting room, swinging my legs back and forth as they dangled from the wooden chair. I  gazed around, taking in the duck egg blue walls, which were plastered in posters filled with motivational quotes I knew Leo would hate. The pretty blonde haired receptionist kept her gaze on my elder brother, her cheeks flushing a light shade of pink once she caught on that I'd seen her. Grey was oblivious, his eyes never once leaving his phone screen. His knee was constantly bouncing, a light thud echoing in the near silent room as the ball of his foot made contact with the dark beige carpet.

   "You good?" I asked him, watching as his blue orbs connected to my own.

   "I don't know." He sighed, running his tattooed hand through his messy brunette locks. "I don't know what to expect when he comes out of that room." He admitted.

   "I don't think he'll be much different." I replied, after all, one therapy session won't be the answer to all of Leo's problems.

   Grey eyed me sceptically, creating lines between his eyebrows as he frowned at me. "What makes you say that?" He questioned.

   "It's his first session and you know Leo, I doubt he's even spoken to the guy." I told him honestly, Leo barely spoke to us, he's hardly going to pour his heart out to a mere stranger.

   "I suppose you're right." Grey admitted, sending me a soft smile that soon turned to a sad smile. "How are you doing?"

   "I'm fine Grey." I sighed, knowing exactly where this conversation is going.

   It's been two days since Zac broke the news to Jack and I about the upcoming court case. Truth be told; I don't know how I feel about it. In one hand, I'm determined to tell my truths and get those monsters sent to prison. On the other, I'm scared — terrified. I don't know how I'll cope seeing their faces again, I know Jack feels the same. We want them to pay for the childhood they stole from us; the life they stole. But, seeing them again comes with the night terrors that will haunt each of us for days on end, we already dealt with that after speaking with Detective Jones, it'll be ten times worse seeing them face to face.

   "Are you really?" Grey raised an eyebrow at me, locking his phone before placing it in the pocket of his blazer.

   "No, but I will be." I anxiously bit my already short nails, I could feel the chipped nail polish on the tip of my tongue, causing me to grimace. I will be, I repeat in my head.

   "You and Jack are meeting with the lawyer tomorrow, did Zac tell you?" He asked hesitantly.

   I nodded in response. The lawyer; yet another stranger. I didn't understand why Zac couldn't represent us, he's the most well-known lawyer in New York, maybe even one of the best in America alone.

   "I wish Zac could be our lawyer." I mumbled, my messy brunette curls slightly falling onto my face.

   "He wishes that too bambina, we all do." Grey's hand came into my vision as he brushed his ring cladded fingers through my hair. "Julian is a really good lawyer though. Plus, he's one of Zac's best friends. I think you'll like him."

   "Maybe... anyway, enough about that." I waved my hand dismissing the current conversation, clearing my throat as a small smirk played on my lips. "The blonde lady at the reception desk has a crush on you." I told him, wiggling my eyebrows, my blue eyes lit up with amusement as his cheeks flamed.

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