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  L I L Y

As I opened the class room door, I felt my face pale and my anxiety level sky rocket. Every single person was now staring at my terrified pale face.

Calm down Lily you've got this.

I took a deep breathe and focused my gaze on the face of a man who looked to be in his early thirties, dressed in a pale blue shirt, black dress trousers and a pair of fancy pointed shoes on his large feet.


I smiled at him slightly, my nerves probably showing all over my face. He cleared his throat and gestured for me to come in. I slowly made my way into the classroom closing the door behind me.

"Hello there, I'm Mr Mathews. Are you new?"

Okay deep breath, don't stutter, you've got this!

"H-hi, y-yeah I'm Lily Adams."

Baby steps.

He studied me for a moment, his brown eyes softening at my stuttering. Then, he smiled. Another genuine smile and it's not even been half an hour, I like this.

"Welcome Lily. Please take the seat between Maya and Atlas. Guys raise your hands please."

I mumbled a small 'thank you' to Mr. Matthews before turning to face the kids in the class.

I noticed a boy and a girl each holding one arm in the air. The boy, who I assume must be Atlas, has blonde fluffy hair, pale skin and dark blue eyes, he's looking at me with a small smile.

Another smile!

The girl, who must be Maya, has beautiful long brown hair, tanned skin and big green doe-like eyes. Maya isn't giving me a small smile like Atlas, no, she's full on grinning at me. I don't know if I should be happy or maybe nervous?

Lets find out.

I slowly make my way towards the available seat in between the two of them and sit down. Just as my bottom makes contact with the thick plastic, Maya fully turns to me and out stretches her left hand.

Hand shake?

I cautiously enclose my small right hand around Maya's left, she squeezes it tightly, wiggling our arms up and down before she begins to speak.

"Hey! I'm Maya and that's Atlas." She says, pointing over to Atlas, who greets me with a 'hi' and a small wave. "How's your first day going so far?"

"H-hi, I'm Lily. It's o-okay, I'm a bit nervous though." Ugh, please stop stuttering. They won't hurt you Lily.

"Understandable." She nods lightly. "No need to be nervous though. You've got Atlas and I now. You can meet the rest of our friends at lunch too! Can I see your schedule?"

I look at Maya in shock, then turn to Atlas, have I just made friends? Really, so quickly? Surely not. Answer her Lily! I quickly get my schedule from my bag and turn back to Maya. I hand her my schedule and take a deep breath.

"A-are you both sure? W-will your other friends be o-okay with me sitting with you guys?"

Atlas responds before Maya this time.

"Yeah of course!" He says with a toothy grin. "We need another girl in our group to even the numbers out. Honestly Lily don't worry, they won't mind."

"T-thanks, Atlas."

He's about to respond but before he gets the chance Maya let's out a small squeal? I turn to her to make sure she's okay, as my eyes lock fo hers, she looks at me with a giant grin on her face. What's going on?

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