E I G H T Y - T W O

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t h i r d — p e r s o n — p o v

Lily, the twins and her friends were sitting on the floor playing with Buddy as Jack entered the living room. Jack's eyes lingered on his sisters happy face before his gaze drifted towards his brothers.

Each of the boys sat silently, not a trace of happiness on their faces. Jack felt no sympathy for them, they fucked up, as did Jack. But the difference between them and Jack, was that Jack knew when to own up and say he'd made a mistake.

And... Jack wouldn't make that same mistake twice.

Jack would make it up to Leo, right there and then. Jack didn't understand why the boys chose to let things carry on, he didn't understand why they thought giving Leo time to himself was for the best.

Leo needed them, Jack could see that.
So why couldn't they?

Thinking back to earlier, Jack felt guilt swell in his chest, he didn't mean to leave Leo out, truthfully, Jack didn't know much about birthday celebrations. When Jack seen Leo's expression as he explained to Callan that he'd also missed them singing happy birthday, that's when Jack knew just how hurt Leo truly was.

"I'm going call him Charlie." Lily said to her friends proudly, turning to glare at her brothers who sat solemnly on the couch behind her. "He doesn't look like a Buddy, plus, he's our dog, mine and Leo's. I don't see why you're all so against it."

"I like the name Charlie." Bella agreed, smiling brightly as she stroked Charlie's golden fur.

"Call him Charlie, if that's what you and Leo want." Jack told Lily, making his appearance known.

Lily jumped at the sound of her brothers voice. "Everything okay, Jack? Where did you go?"

Jack smiled at his sister, "Yeah, everything's okay Lil. I was with Leo."

"Leo's back?" Lily jumped to her feet, carefully handing Charlie to Emilio. "Where is he?"

"None of you told any of them he was home?" Jack turned to his brothers with an ungracious look. "Seriously!?"

"You guys knew he was here?" Killian asked with a frown, "Why wouldn't you say anything?"

"Leo's not happy with us, we thought he needed some time." Carter mumbled in response, his face filled with sorrow.

"For fuck sake!" Jack ran a hand down his face in frustration, "I told you time is the last thing he needs! Why can't any of you fucking listen!"


"Grey if you dare say language to me right now, I will fucking smack you." Jack fumed. The sheer coldness of his tone, causing Grey to shrink back.

"Is Leo okay?" Emilio asked nervously. He wasn't a fan of family drama, yet today, he'd seen more than he'd have liked. All Emilio wanted was to know that his best friend was okay.

Jack sighed, taking a deep breath to compose himself before turning his gaze to Emilio, "Yeah, no, kinda. We're gonna sing happy birthday." Jack cleared his throat as he gazed around the room. "Leo wanted to know if any of you wanted to join us?"

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