F O R T Y - S I X

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I snuggled my face into mushu as the cold New York wind brought coldness to my already reddened cheeks. We were on our way back to the subway station to get to the cars, Ryan sadly couldn't drive us due to the sheer amount of us.

My feet hurt.

I liked Ryan, I felt guilty that I freaked out over a hug. Granted he shouldn't have hugged me without introducing himself but I could tell how sorry he was due to the twenty apologies I'd already received. He was nice, he had a calming aura around him similar to that of my brothers.

Speaking of my brothers, they are still somewhat pissed. I mean it's not like Leo and I deliberately left them... they just didn't wait for us— and maybe I shouldn't have stopped in the middle of the street.


I don't regret it though— I'm sad that we worried them but I'm also glad I got to spend time with Leo. We needed time just the two of us, I feel closer to him and that makes me happy, I think it makes him happy too.

If he's happy, I'm happy.

Fatigue began to wash over me, my thin legs felt heavy as I dragged them along the concrete sidewalk. My body didn't feel my own as I began to sway, I excessively rub my eyes trying to rid the tiredness I feel.

Can you fall asleep whilst walking?

Grey noticed the action, a small chuckle leaving his lips as he placed his tattooed hands under my armpits— lifting me from my feet, I wrapped one of my arms tightly around his neck— clinging to him like a koala bear, whilst holding mushu in my other hand.

"Tired amore?"

"Exhausted." I mumbled, snuggling deeper into his Parker coat, the fluffy hood tickling my nose in the process.

"Così fottutamente adoribile." He whispered in Italian, the only word I could translate being 'adorable.' "We won't be much longer bambina. You really had us worried back there, both of you." Grey's hands, that are supporting me— squeeze me harder, as though he was scared I'd disappear.

"M'sorry, I didn't mean for us to fall back. I was worried about Leo, I just wanted to talk to him— I hadn't even realised we'd lost you guys till after our chat."

"Worried about Leo?" Grey whispered, angling his head slightly as he looked at me from the corner of his eye.

"Mhm, he seems off."

"Did he say anything when you spoke with him?"

"Not really." I mumbled, not wanting to break Leo's confidence. He hadn't said anything to me, but he did cry... should I tell him?

"You'd tell me if he said something that worried you... wouldn't you?"


"Lil, please— what did Leo say?"

"He didn't really say much, I swear." I sighed. "He cried though, don't tell him I said anything. I don't want him to think I'm betraying his trust, I only told you because I'm worried about him."

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