S I X T Y - N I N E

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— trigger warning —
murder, violence, manipulation, drugs, suicide.
T E N — Y E A R S — A G O
t h i r d — p e r s o n — p o v

Jenna couldn't understand what was happening, the drugs in her system overwhelming her true grips on reality. Brad had shot the driver side window of the random vehicle that sat idle in the centre of downtown New York. An ear piercing scream jolted through the air as the mans — whom Brad had just murdered — body feel limp against the steering wheel, red crimson liquid leaked from the fatal wound on his temple.

Jenna felt as though she were dreaming, this couldn't be happening, Brad couldn't have killed someone.... Could he?

Rose stared at her husbands body, tears streaming down her face as the driver side door was yanked open. The man who'd just killed James stared her directly in the eye, his blood shot amber gaze piercing through her sole, he grabbed James' lip body, shoving him to the gravel coated sidewalk, all whilst Rose watched with fear-filled eyes. A small whimper caught her attention, causing her to lunge her body toward the backseat, so she could cover Lily from the murderers view. She would protect her daughter at all costs, even if the asking price was death.

Brad seen this action as a threat, he assumed the unknown woman was searching for a weapon, his eyes unable to see the drowsy toddler, his ears unable to hear her heart wrenching cries. Before Rose made it in front of Lily, the sound of a bullet reverberated in the air, crimson red leaked through her shirt as the bullet pierced her heart, killing her instantly, right in front of her daughters eyes.

Brad grabbed onto Rose's ankles dragging her body from the car, before tossing her onto the gravel next to her husband. He grabbed a shaking Jenna by the wrist, quickly pulling her towards the vehicle. Shoving Jenna in the passenger side, he pressed his foot to the accelerator, speeding down the deserted side street, no thoughts of the two lives he'd just taken, not one shred of guilt.

"Brad," Jenna began, her voice trembling, "what did you just do?" She whimpered.

"I did what had to be done," he stated simply, he's crimson stained hands clutching the steering wheel tightly.

"You... you killed them," she said, placing her hand over her mouth in shock.

"I did," he sighed, "baby, I had to. Rico would've killed us, he would've killed you. I needed this car to get us to safety, I did it for you Jay."

Jenna stared at Brad in horror, he did this for her? Those people died because of her? "I-I didn't..."

"It's because of you that I had to do that Jenna, if you had just listened to me, none of this would've happened." Brad said, driving down the abandoned dirt roads just outside the city.

A small whimper from the back seat gained their attention. Lily was sat in her car seat, her mothers now cold blood stuck to her delicate skin, as silent tears streamed down her face, whilst her whole body trembled. She didn't understand what was happening, she was to young to realise her parents had just been murdered before her eyes, the side-effects of the anti-sickness drug causing her to fall in and out of consciousness.

"What the fuck is that," Brad yelled, pulling the car over to the side of the road.

"Oh my god," Jenna whimpered, "it's a baby Brad, those people have... had a baby." She cried, her eyes widening as Brad raised his gun once again, aiming it at the toddlers chest.

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