E I G H T Y - E I G H T

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Lily woke up with a gasp. Her body was drenched in sweat, her heart beating so loudly, Lily swore she could hear it echoing off her four bedroom walls. The phantom hands reappeared around her nape; cutting her oxygen levels, her breaths now coming out in short pants.

Amber eyes—

Her panic filled blue eyes darted around the moonlit room cautiously, searching for any signs of danger. Her trembling hands clutching the dampened duvet close to her chest.

It was just a dream— it's not real...

He's not here.

Tears appeared in Lily's eyes as she begged for the memories of her nightmare to leave. Flashes of her broken and beaten body filling her mind causing her stomach to clench with fear; a nauseating feeling washed through her, her stomach beginning to cramp painfully.

It's not real— Lily repeated, though she knew her words were a lie. It was real, everything she'd just seen was real. Maybe not now, but, then, it was real, that was once her reality.

Lily didn't know how long the horrors of her past would continue to haunt her. She didn't want that to be her fear whenever she closed her eyes. Lily was happy now, she had everything she'd ever dreamed of having; family, friends... a life. Why couldn't she just forget? Why did her thoughts have to remind her every chance it had?

They say that time heals trauma, but why does no one specify exactly how long time is?

Lily couldn't stay in her bed any longer, she didn't want to risk falling asleep; falling into that same nightmare. With shaky hands, Lily peeled the duvet from her body. Shivering as the cool air reached her skin, goosebumps appearing on her lower arms.


Lily needed something to soothe her dry throat. Making her way towards the door of her bedroom, Lily slowly exited heading down the hall way toward the kitchen. Why is it so quiet? Her eyes landed on the grandfather clocked which was perched on the white kitchen walls; the time reading: 3.15AM. Oh.

A shiver wracked through Lily's body, the goosebumps becoming more and more visible as her bare feet made contact with the chilling tiled floor of the kitchen. Quickly, Lily's shaky hands reached out for the large hoodie that was lay over the back of one of the breakfast bar chairs. The fabric was soft as she pulled it over her body, the hem reaching to her knees; the scent of sandalwood mixed with tobacco filled her nostrils; Callan's.

It was strange — Lily thought; knowing each of her brothers just by their scent. Leo's bringing her the most comfort; lavender. Her brothers; Jack, Alex, Carter and Callan, to be exact — all smelt somewhat similar, most likely due to their smoking habits. Whilst Grey and Zac often wreaked of highly expensive men's cologne, Ace and the twins' were more subtle; a slight hint of vanilla mixed with a twinge of musk.

Each of their scents were soothing to Lily. Though, her two eldest brothers' often became overpowering after a while and Lily swore, sometimes, she'd have to choke on a cough just as they entered a room.

Lily's feet led her to the fridge, after grabbing a cooled bottle of water, she made her way to the back door, eager to look at the stars.

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