Her Butler, Family Man

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(AHHH! Yes, yes, I know it's been a suuuper long time and I'm super super sorry. I had major writer's block and just things going on personally but I wanted to at least update this before the new year!)

Sebastian followed the angel's presence that he was sensing and it didn't bode well with him that it was coming from his room. Ana and Odette were in there and he was not happy. With a deep frown, he slammed open the door and entered to find another being standing beside Ana who was awake and sitting up on the bed.

She looked at him, clearly in surprise herself. "Malphas..."
The other being turned to look at him. "Hello."
Sebastian's brows furrowed together as he closed the door behind him. "Why are you here, father?"
"I came to answer a prayer, of course," Lucifer chuckled.
Sebastian made his way to the other side of the bed. "I sensed an angel."
"You forget that I was-- I am still an angel. And I have come to answer my daughter-in-law's prayer."

Both Lucifer and Sebastian looked down at her as she sat in the middle of the bed, her fingers twiddling with the blanket as her feet shuffled nervously under the covers. She suddenly felt very on the spot.

"You prayed to my father?" Sebastian asked in disbelief.
"No! I just... I was praying to God," she admitted to him. "And then he suddenly appeared."
He closed his eyes for a couple of seconds and sighed. "Did you hear that?" Opening his eyes again, he looked at Lucifer. "She was not praying to you, so leave."
Lucifer simply smirked with no intention of leaving. Keeping his eyes on Sebastian, he spoke to Ana. "Do you want to tell my son what you were praying for?"

Sebastian's gaze returned to her, his eyes questioning. She looked up into his eyes and knew she had no other choice but to tell him.

She took a deep breath. "I was praying for Ciel."
"Please, before you say anything, just listen."
He sighed softly. "Very well."
"I've been praying for him for a while and tonight God answered me. I spoke to Him. He told me that not only did my path lead to the manor for you, but it was also for Ciel. It was to protect him."
The realisation then came to Sebastian. "You're his guardian angel. That's why it's suddenly hurting you that I have to take his soul soon."
She nodded. "You and I were always meant to be together so that we could create Odette, who is part demon and angel to become the bridge between three worlds. However, I was also meant to protect Ciel from you and that is when I would lead heaven's army against the Prince of Hell."

Sebastian stared at her, his expression almost blank. Ana had never seen that look on his face before. It was almost unnerving. He usually knew exactly what to say or he had some sort of emotion on his face. But there was nothing.

All that time, it was Ciel who was meant to be the cause for what was meant to be the greatest battle in the universe. The battle that would end them both. Now he could understand why it hurt her so badly that he was going to take Ciel's soul. Even though she was no longer an angel, she was made for that very purpose. To save him.

"Malphas..?" Ana called.
He quickly shook his head and looked at her. "Oh, my dear Anastasia." He sat down on the bed beside her and gently stroked a strand of hair behind her ear. "You are simply one of a kind."
She took hold of his hand and gazed worriedly into his eyes. "I don't know what to do. Either Ciel has his soul taken and I live a life in anguish and I end up resenting you, or I stop you and go to war. But that's not fair on you since you obeyed the contact and I love you so I don't want you to-"
"I love you, too, Anastasia," Sebastian interjected. He smiled at her gently. "Life has truly been unfair to you yet you're worried that I won't be able to eat unless I take Ciel's soul."
"I don't know what to do..." she repeated, almost pleadingly.

Two Steps From Hell | Sebastian MichaelisWhere stories live. Discover now