Her Butler, Up In Flames

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Before she could even blink, Ana was back on earth with Ashe. They were standing on top of a building and what Ana saw was completely devastating. Wherever she looked, London was on fire. It was a literal hell on earth. All she could hear was the crackling of the fires raging through the city and the sound of people screaming in fear.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Ashe spoke.
"How can you allow this to happen..?" she asked even though she knew the answer already; he was insane.
He smiled as if he was the happiest he could be. "The city is being cleansed. We are getting rid of the unclean, the unnecessary."
She frowned at him. "You're mad. You're completely mad."
"This is what this city deserves. And that boy... He will be ours."
"Correct. And you are going to help us get to him."
"I don't bloody think so! If anything, I'm going to protect him," she said confidently. "I-"
"Oh, I don't think so." He smirked. "You won't have a choice."

She frowned in confusion. It didn't make sense. How was she going to help them get Ciel? There was simply no way.


Ana gasped at the sound of the other voice and turned in its direction. Standing just a few metres away was Sebastian. A pure wash of relief spread over her and tears of joy instantly welled up in her eyes. Just seeing him there and hearing his voice already made her feel like no one could harm her.

Sebastian had sensed her the moment she landed back on earth and went straight to her. Seeing her standing there, not a scratch on her, he was filled with relief. As she left Ashe's side and ran towards him, he stepped forwards and instantly wrapped his arms around her the moment she reached him. He held onto her firmly but not too tight so as to not hurt her and the baby. She buried her face into his chest, taking in his unearthly scent that she had grown attached to.

It wasn't the first time they had been apart from one another but it was the first time they were both so uncertain as to when they would be reunited again. They were both so afraid but they were finally together again. Even with London up in flames, they had to take a moment for themselves.

Sebastian closed his eyes and breathed in the scent of her hair. "Are you hurt?" he asked softly.
She shook her head and then looked up at him. "But I was so scared."
He gently held her face, opening his eyes to gaze into her own. "As was I, my dear."

His eyes were so hypnotic and she was just so irresistible. Leaning down, he pressed his lips onto hers. They shared a sweet, longing yet passionate kiss. It was reminiscent of their first ever kiss and it was beautiful. After a few seconds, they parted but Sebastian kept his arm around her, not letting her go for even a moment.

"You make me sick, Anastasia," Ashe suddenly spoke as he watched with disgust. "You may be an archangel but you have become the most impure of them all by being with a demon."
She looked over at him, regaining some of her confidence with Sebastian at her side. "It's not like I pulled myself out of heaven."
"No matter. You will soon redeem yourself. Everything will work out in our favour."

Sebastian frowned deeply. No matter what they had planned, he would protect Ana and their daughter.

Ana suddenly realised that Sebastian was alone. "Where is Ciel?"

He didn't answer her. He knew that if she found out he had left him in Paris, she would get upset with him and he didn't want that. But his silence was her answer. She was annoyed but Ashe's words distracted her.

"So, the boy has made his way back to London," he spoke with a smirk. "Huh. Impressively done. Tell me. What do you think of the view?" he asked, turning back to look at Sebastian. "What are your thoughts?"
"Next to the great fire of London in sixteen-sixty-six, this one... Well, it seems to burn rather slowly."
"Indeed, you're right. This city is so unclean, it takes time to burn filth. It will be long before London is utterly purified." He held out his arms. "Even so, good shall prevail. This fire will burn everything out. And then at long last, a cleaner land will be able to emerge. The door will be open to a new century."

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