Her Butler, Distressed

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(I'm going to be having guests over the holidays so I won't be able to post any new chapters for a few days. So, I hope you enjoy this short chapter until then. Also, happy holidays!)

It was silently and mutually decided that Ana would now stay in Sebastian's room. His room was larger and he rather enjoyed seeing her on his bed. So, every night she slept in their shared bedroom.

Snow had fallen all through the night and covered all of London in a blanket of snow. Ana loved how pure and bright everything looked and she couldn't wait to play in it. That's why she passed on going to the festival on the River Thames with Ciel and Sebastian. She had been there before but she had never had the chance to actually play in the snow and fulfill one of her childhood wishes. After they left, she and the others quickly completed all of their chores before wrapping up warm and rushing to the garden.

"Okay, it's decided then," Bard said with his cigarette in his mouth. "Men versus women. The team that gets the most hits, wins. Tanaka will be the referee."
"Hoh, hoh, hoh," he chuckled as he sat in his army uniform with a scarf around his neck.
"Right!" Ana agreed before drawing a line in the snow with a twig. "No one can pass this border."
Mey-Rin was pumped up with adrenaline. "And each team has five minutes to build their forts!"
Finny held up his hand. "Time starts...NOW!"

Both teams darted to their respective sides of the border and began building their dens with the snow. Each time built theirs as thick and strong as possible, tall enough as well to keep them covered. And with whatever time they had left, they made as many snowballs as they could so their ammo was ready.

Mey-Rin took off her glasses and suddenly had a serious aura around her. It was the first time Ana had seen her without her glasses and she was in awe. She was truly serious about winning the game. Looking at Ana, she threw a snowball in the air and caught it again.

"Let's get down to business."

Suddenly, their roles were reversed. Ana was in complete awe of her and pretty much fangirled. With a smile, she nodded with determination.

"Let's do this."

Tanaka blew the whistle. The battle had commenced.

Snowballs went flying from both sides and laughter filled the air. It went on like that for a few minutes before the girls moved onto their plan. Ana moved out from the safety of the barrier and moved to the line whilst Mey-Rin covered her by shooting one after another at lightning speed. Bard and Finny screamed as Ana hit them both at the same time when they were trying to dodge Mey-Rin.

"YES!" Ana cheered. "Two points to us!"
"Hey! No fair!" Finny yelled.
"It is!" She stood with a hand on her hip and wagged her finger at them. "You need to be more tactical."

Suddenly, Bard threw a snowball and it hit her face. She gasped as the icy powder froze her face whilst the boys laughed and high-fived each other.

"Ana, get behind the shield!" Mey-Rin screamed.

Ana rushed back behind the wall of snow and they returned to simply throwing snowballs at each other. The girls were still in the lead and they needed to keep it that way until Tanaka blew the whistle again.

However, their game ended before they intended it to. A howl filled the air and the ground rumbled as Pluto came running towards them. After seeing all the balls flying in the air, he wanted to play catch. The walls were completely destroyed when Pluto landed in the middle and panted, waited for someone to throw a ball.

"Oi! You just ruined our game!" Bard yelled angrily.
Mey-Rin put her glasses back on. "Oh no, Pluto!"

It had been the first time Ana had seen Pluto for a while. Sebastian always made sure that Pluto was kept away from her but without him there, the huge dog was right in front of her. But she wasn't as scared as she used to be. She thought it may be due to the fact that she had gotten used to him. However, when Pluto looked at her, he suddenly whimpered and lowered his head.

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