Her Butler, Surreal

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Being a father was an extremely surreal experience for Sebastian. In all his millennia of living, having a child was the most frightening thing he had ever encountered, yet the most exciting and rewarding. Seeing the smile on his daughter's face as she giggled felt as though he had reached his ultimate goal. And with his soulmate beside him, his life was complete.

Ana smiled at the pair whilst she packed some clothes. They were returning to London where they would reunite with Ciel and the servants. After that, they would travel together to Paris where she and Sebastian would be wed in Notre Dame cathedral.

"Are you ready?" Sebastian asked from the bed. He held Odette above him and played with her, bringing her down and nuzzling his nose against hers, which was making her giggle before lifting her in the air again. "I would like to return to the manor before lunch."
"They survived a year without you. I'm sure they'll be fine." She huffed as she placed her hands on her hips and stared at the suitcases. "I'm not used to packing for two people, let alone for myself."
Sebastian continued to make Odette giggle. "Perhaps I spoiled you a little too much."
"Well, I would ask you to do it since it would take you a fraction of the time but I can't bear to break up this moment."

Odette's laughter was music to their ears. Ana hadn't heard her laugh so much ever. Lucifer was fast asleep under the window and Sebastian was the happiest she had ever seen. It was a picture perfect moment.

That was until Odette burped and she spit up on her father's face as he was holding her above him. He blinked slowly and stopped while Odette just giggled some more. Ana snorted as she tried to hold back her laughter.

"Moment's over," he said seriously.

He placed Odette on the bed and placed a pillow on either side of her so that she didn't accidentally roll over before leaving to wash his face. Ana smiled and sat beside Odette, stroking the top of her head gently.

"Good girl," she whispered.
"I heard that," Sebastian spoke as he returned.
She rolled her eyes. "I know you did."

With a mischievous smirk, he made his way to her and took her hand. He lifted her from the bed and snaked his arms around her waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He gently swayed with her as if dancing to some silent music. She smiled as he leaned down and kissed her deeply, their lips moving slowly together to savour each others taste. After a few seconds, they parted as Odette made gurgling sounds. Looking back at her, they saw her kicking her legs and wagging her arms up and down as if trying to grab their attention.

"Very well, Odette," Sebastian said. "You may have your mother back." He held her chin and turned her face to look at him again. "I'll finish the packing."

He pecked her lips before letting her go. She went and sat back down beside Odette and within those few seconds, Sebastian had packed the suitcases.

"Done," he said proudly.
"Wow. So, you let me suffer through an hour of packing when you did it in five seconds."
"Do not worry, my dear. When you die, I will take your soul to hell where you shall live the rest of eternity as a demon. Then you shall be able to move as fast as I can."
She smiled. "I can't wait."
"Well, I would hope you can. You won't be dying any time soon. You can't die until old age. I shan't allow you to die in any other way."
"But I'll be all old and wrinkly."
"And still incredibly beautiful."
She laughed softly. "And you will still be incredibly charming."
He went to her and got down on one knee as he held her hand. "Only to you. For eternity."

He placed a kiss on the back of her hand. Even after all that time, he was still able to make her blush.

He looked up at her with a smile. "Shall we?"
"Yes." She went to Lucifer and crouched down. She stroked his head, causing him to purr in his sleep. "I wish I could take you with us but Ciel is allergic. Malphas will come to check on you again soon."

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