Her Butler, Vanquishing the Undead

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Ana couldn't comprehend what it was. At first, she thought it was just a man in a tux with a blindfold on pretending to act like a zombie as it groaned and walked towards her. It certainly freaked her out and she just stepped backwards.

"Um, sir?" she called.

It suddenly growled and opened its jaw wide as it rushed towards her. She screamed, her heart jumping to her throat. She held her hands out in front of her and the monster suddenly exploded from the inside. Her eyes widened as she looked at the bits of flesh on the floor before she looked at her hands.

"Did I do that..?"

She turned around to see Ciel, Elizabeth and Snake, all seemingly in a panic. She rushed over to them before suddenly seeing a hoard of monsters that were just like the one who tried to attack her.

"What the-"
"We have to run!" Ciel ordered.

One of the snakes wrapped itself around Ana's arm and dragged her along with Snake. They ran, weaving through the crates to get away. But they were forced to a stop as they saw more coming from ahead. Ana had no idea what those things were or what to do. Elizabeth looked all around and saw that they were completely surrounded.

"Ciel, look!" she gasped.

They backed up against some crates and Ciel bravely moved her and Ana behind him. One came close towards them but Ciel shot it in the head. Ana looked at her hands wondering if she could do what she did before. But then she suddenly noticed that Snake was missing.

"Ana! Smile! Up here quickly! - says Oscar urgently," Snake said.

He reached his hand down and Elizabeth took hold of it before he pulled her up, lifting Ana up after and then Ciel. They were safe for the moment, all four of them looking down at the monsters as they scratched away at the crates.

"What are these vile creatures? Our venom doesn't affect them and they smell simply terrible - Webster asks with disgust."
"I don't know the details," Ciel said. "But we appear to have found ourselves aboard a ship full of walking corpses."
"Corpses?" Ana asked in complete bewilderment. "How are we supposed to kill something that is already dead?"
Ciel looked down at them again. "Shooting them in the heart does nothing. You have to aim for the head."

The crates suddenly began to shake and they saw the monsters had began breaking them, trying to tear them apart. Elizabeth was absolutely frightened and Ciel held onto her. Not knowing what else to do, Ana held her hand out to test the power she had used earlier.

"I will protect you, Lizzie," Ciel said. "No matter what the cost."
"Here, here," came Sebastian's voice in the distance. "Well said, my Lord."

Ana gasped and retracted her hand as she saw a few butter knives fly through the air and pierce a few of the monsters in the back of its head. She smiled in relief upon seeing Sebastian at the top of the stairs in front of them.

"Spoken like a true gentleman. I'm very proud," he said with a smile.
Ana sighed deeply. "Well, it took you long enough."
"I do apologise."
Ciel glared at him. "Quiet you! Quit loitering and get rid of these blasted things!"
"My lord," he said simply.

He leaped into the air and landed on the ground before running towards the monsters. He ran through them and grabbed one of them by the head before crushing it onto the ground in his grip. Blood sprayed everywhere.

"This is by far the most efficient method," he said.

They all watched in horror before Ciel made Elizabeth hide her eyes. Sebastian crushed another one before swinging his leg around and destroying a few more. Ana almost felt sick to her stomach at the sight of all the blood but she couldn't look away. She was almost mesmerised as he fought them. Killing another, and then another, and then another, Sebastian was absolutely merciless. Ana could see his eyes glow as he smiled so sinisterly. He was enjoying it. She could almost hear Malphas' true voice chuckling darkly in her ears.

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