Her Butler, Returned

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Ciel couldn't believe that he was actually looking at Sebastian. He thought that perhaps he was hallucinating or dreaming. Sebastian had that signature smile as he stood in the middle of the room, clad in his butler uniform.

"Surprised to see me?"
Ciel's brows furrowed slightly. "Well, yes... You've been missing for a year."
"A year? Really?" he asked in a nonchalant manner. "I can see Tanaka has taken very good care of you in my absence."
"Where the hell have you been?!" Ciel yelled in frustration.
Sebastian placed the candelabra on the side table and held his chin. "Well, you say a year has passed yet for myself, it feels as though I've simply blinked and I arrived here."

That only confused Ciel even more and so Sebastian explained what had happened in the Void. Ciel was in shock that the demon he knew sacrificed his entire existence for Ana and the baby. He knew the demon was in love but not to that extent.

"And then I turned up here," he concluded. "I admit it has been quite an odd experience even for me."
Ciel sat on the bed. "So, where is Ana?"
Sebastian's brows furrowed, his expression showing nothing but concern. "She isn't here?"
"Of course she isn't. Can you not sense it?"
"No..." He went quiet for a moment as he tried to sense her angelic aura. But he couldn't feel anything. "She must be in heaven."

Ciel remembered the last time Ana was taken to heaven, Sebastian couldn't feel her back then, too. He felt sorry for his demon butler and he actually hoped there was a way for them to be reunited.

"I am certain you will find her again," he said.
That brought a smile to Sebastian's face. "Thank you. Now, you should go to sleep."
"Aren't you going to take my soul? Your contract is complete."
"You may have gotten your revenge, however, might I remind you that one task remains incomplete."
"And what would that be?" he asked in confusion.
Sebastian's smile grew more. "My wedding."
"So, you refuse to consume my soul until you marry Ana? Why?"
"Simple. She wished for you to be there."

They remembered how excited she was when they discussed the wedding. It was her dream coming true. And she specifically said that she wanted Ciel and the servants to be there along with Elizabeth, her family and her maid.

"I am still your butler until then. The contract still holds."
Ciel nodded once. "Very well. I suppose to celebrate your return, I shall give you an order."
Sebastian placed his hand on his heart and kneeled. "And what would that be?"
"Find Ana and bring her back."


When Ana dreamed of living in the cottage, she imagined wonderful things. She imagined reading books by the fire, lounging in his arms. She imagined them settling Odette in her cot for the night before cuddling together. She imagined evenings of them dancing in the middle of the cosy living room. She imagined watching him play with their daughter and spoiling her rotten by giving her whatever she desired. She imagined Odette cooing in her father's arms. She imagined evenings of walking through the fields and getting excited when the lavenders would grow every year.

She imagined a home.

Now she was simply living in a quiet cottage. It had always been her dream to live in a cottage and the lavender fields of Provence was the perfect location. But it was left incomplete without him.

Days passed.

She eventually found a timetable for Odette. She knew when she wanted to nap and feed. Being an angel-demon hybrid, she never needed to wee or poop. Not that Ana would complain. It certainly made things easier. Odette still kept her busy though, which she was grateful for, and although she couldn't speak, Ana would always talk to her.

Still, it was a lonely life. She stayed positive, wanting to be the best mother for Odette. Sebastian had already stocked the cupboards with food. In fact, he had so many things in place that she didn't have to worry about having to go out and walk miles to the nearest store.

On the night she arrived at the cottage, there was a note on the bed.

'My dear Anastasia,

In the unlikely event that something should happen to me, there may be a chance that you will have to come here alone. If that should occur, I have stocked everything that you might need for at least a few months.

If I am truly gone, I have things in place for you so you will not have to worry about a thing.

I love you forever.

M, PoH'

She kept that letter on her bedside table and read it every night to help her sleep. She never slept in the middle of the bed because she liked to keep a place for him beside her.

She didn't know what he meant when he said he had kept things in place for the next few months. She didn't even know he had planned for something like that. That was until a couple of weeks later.

Odette was napping in her Moses basket in the living room and Ana was sitting and reading a book. And then she heard a knock on the door. She was shocked and a little bit scared as she lifted her head. Slowly closing the book and placing it on the side, she got up and made her way to the window. Taking a peek outside, she saw a little boy.

(I apologise if the translations are terrible. I just used Google Translate.)

He knocked again. "Livraison!" he called. (Delivery!)

Ana made her way to the front door and opened it a little. She looked down at the sweet little boy. He was probably about 10 years old, wearing shorts, a cap and a shirt with a satchel over his shoulder. In his hand, he held a medium sized box.

"Bonjour," she greeted with slight uncertainty.
He grinned. "Bonjour! J'ai une livraison pour vous, mademoiselle." (Good morning! I have a delivery for you, miss.)
"Vous avez marché tout ce chemin?" (You walked all this way?)
"Mhm!" he nodded. "C'est une livraison spéciale." (It's a special delivery.)
"Qu'Est-ce que c'est?" (What is it?)
He shrugged and lifted the box to her. "Je ne sais pas. Mais ça bouge." (I don't know. But it's moving.)
That confused her even more as she took the box. "Je vous remercie." (Thank you.)
"Bonne journée, mademoiselle!" (Good day, miss.)
"Vous aussi." (You too.)

The boy held his cap and nodded before turning and running off through the field. Ana watched the boy leave before closing the door and looking at the box in her hand. She went to the small library, not wanting whatever was inside the box to endanger Odette.

She sat down on the chair and placed the box on the table. Slowly, she opened the lid of the box a little only for her eyes to widen in surprise. She lifted the lid completely and looked at the black kitten inside.

For the first time after what felt like years, her spirit lifted and she smiled brightly. She lifted the kitten out of the box as it purred. The kitten looked at her with its bright blue eyes and mewed quietly.

"Oh, Odette is going to love you," Ana spoke with a smile.

Placing the kitten on her lap, she looked inside the box and saw an envelope. She took it out and saw her name on the front. She opened it and took out the letter inside.

'My darling kitten Anastasia,

You have always wanted a pet cat. It's a boy so you may name him whatever you wish. There is a bag of cat food for him and more will be delivered to you.

I love you.

M, PoH'

Tears welled up in her eyes as she read the letter over and over again. Even though he wasn't there, he could still feel his love. She placed a kiss on the letter before placing it back in the envelope so she could keep it safe. Looking down at the kitten resting in her lap, she gently stroked his soft fur.

"What should we name you?" she asked quietly. "How about we name you after Odette's grandfather?"

She smiled as the cat sat up and mewed cutely. Taking it as a yes, the name was settled.

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