Her Butler, Performer

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Sebastian and Ana cheerfully entered the kitchen the next morning to prepare breakfast. The other servants were already there but looking rather glum. They had bags under their eyes and they looked extremely tired.

Ana blinked. "Are you alright? You all seem as though you didn't sleep all night."
"Oh, really?" Bard looked at the couple judgmentally. "Had fun last night, did ya? The whole bloody manor heard you two last night."

As Mey-Rin's nose began to bleed and Finny's cheeks flushed pink, Ana's eyes widened in shock. Sebastian was unbothered though and commenced preparing Ciel's breakfast.

"You guys heard us?!" Ana screamed as she held her red face.
"We really didn't want to," Finny said timidly. "But.... But you were really loud and-"
"Oh, my Satan," Ana muttered under her breath.

Sebastian smirked at her term as he poured the tea. Ana shook it off and regained her composure.

"Well, I'm sorry you had to hear that," she spoke calmly. "In the future, I will try to be more quiet."
"But she won't be able to," Sebastian commented.
"Please don't say anything," she said with a glare at him. "We will be more considerate next time."
"Next time?!" Mey-Rin screamed. Her nose began bleeding again and she quickly held it with a handkerchief. "I don't think I can handle a next time, WAHH!"
Ana breathed out deeply. "Okay, okay. Since I don't want Mey-Rin to die of blood loss, we won't do it anymore."
Sebastian looked at her with a sad little pout. "We won't?" he asked rather cutely.
Ana rolled her eyes. "Oh, stop it."

He shot her a smirk as he passed her to leave the kitchen. Making his way up to Ciel's room, he entered to find him fast asleep. He did his usual routine of opening the curtains and gently waking him up.

"My Lord, it's time to wake up. You have some classes today," he said, causing Ciel to stir. "You also have the orchestra to attend at the theatre this evening."
Ciel groaned tiredly and hid more under the blanket. "Leave me be. I couldn't sleep all night because of you and Ana...canoodling."
Sebastian smiled innocently as he poured the tea. "Oh. My apologies. We didn't mean for it be so loud."
"The next time you both want to do it, it should be somewhere other than the manor."
"Very well. I shall take her away tonight then."
Ciel shuddered. "I never realised the libido of demons and angels were so high."
"Libido, sir? I've never taught you about that before."
Ciel was grateful that he was hidden under the blanket. "Ahem... I read it in a book." Getting up out of the blanket, he yawned and stretched. "Anyway, have you told Ana about the orchestra yet?"
"No." Sebastian poured the tea and handed it to him. "I'm not so sure if she would like to go."
Ciel sipped his tea. "Why not? You told me she has always wanted to see a live orchestra."
"Indeed. However, the queen will be there, which in turn means Ashe Landers will also be present."
"Still, there's no harm in asking her. We'll be in our own private box so there's a very small chance she'll encounter him there."
Sebastian smiled. "You really wish for her to go, don't you?"
Ciel frowned in annoyance. "Obviously. And not as a maid either. If she chooses to go, she will go as my guest."
"Very well."


While Ciel was studying in the library, Sebastian left him to speak to Ana. He found her cleaning in the ballroom, dusting the keys of the piano. She still heard that same tune in her head. The one she once played flawlessly on the piano a while ago. The tune Sebastian heard her hum in her sleep every night. They never spoke of it though. It made her feel uncomfortable and she had a theory as to why it did. It was heaven's song.

She suddenly gasped as she felt a presence behind her. Sebastian wrapped his arms around her from behind and she relaxed.

"Please don't scare me like that."
"I apologise. You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn't hear my call."
She breathed out softly. "That's nothing new." She carried on dusting as he continued to hold her. "Is everything alright?"
"The young master wishes to invite you to tonight's orchestra."
Her face suddenly lit up as she turned in his arms to face him. "Truly?!"
He smiled. "Yes. I will be attending as his butler but you shall be going as his guest."
Her smile beamed. "This is so exciting!"
He gently cupped her cheek. "There is one thing you should know. Ashe Landers will be there. However, we will have a private box."
She hesitated slightly but quickly dismissed it. "That's fine. I'm not going to allow him to ruin the night. I've always wanted to see a live orchestra."
"My, how you've grown."
"I have you to thank for that."
He was surprised. "How so?"
"I feel stronger when I'm with you." She lay her head on his chest. "Even when you're not with me, I know I'm strong enough to fight for myself. I'm not weak anymore."
He softly stroked her head. "I'm so proud of you."

Two Steps From Hell | Sebastian MichaelisWhere stories live. Discover now