Her Butler, Back To Reality

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(Guys, I need to know your opinions. I'm still not sure if I'll be adding the Book of Circus in but I still don't know what I should do. Here's my question: do I let Sebastian do it with the nun [and maybe Beast]? I say 'let Sebastian' like he's my bitch. But yeah, what do you think should happen? Does he do it with the nun and I write Ana's view on it? Or does he not do it?)

As much as Ana didn't want to leave the cottage, she kept her heart satisfied in knowing that it was all for her and Sebastian. One day in the future, they would return. It was something for her to look forward to. After returning to England, they had spent the last night of their mini vacation at the country estate. Not knowing when they would have time to themselves again, the night was spent with nothing but love and intimacy.


The next morning, it was time to return to the Phantomhive Manor. Sebastian packed the luggage onto the carriage and they soon left the estate. Ana was sad to leave. There was so much that happened over the short weekend. She and Sebastian made love, she discovered what she really was, there was a home awaiting them in France. But most importantly, her bond with Sebastian had grown so much stronger than before.

She held his arm as he held the reins. "Thank you for the most wonderful time," she smiled as they journeyed back via the same route.
"You are very welcome, my dear. This is but a taster of what our lives are to be."
"I can't wait. But I also can't wait to see everyone at the manor."
Sebastian's brows furrowed together. "Is that a joke?"
She laughed softly. "No! I'm being honest. For the first time in my life, I've discovered true friendships. A true family." She smiled and rested her head on his arm. "I'm thinking we should invite them to our home every holiday."

A shiver ran through his body just at the thought of having the servants in their home. Their little cottage wouldn't survive half a day with them there. Ana laughed to herself upon feeling the vibes of pure dread coming from him.

She laughed in amusement and squeezed his cheeks, causing his lips to pout out. "I'm joking!"
There was a small frown crease between his brows as his cheeks were still being squeezed. "I should think so," he said with slight struggle. "Our home is only for you, myself, and any children we will have."
She let go of his cheeks. "We will have? And children? So, you intend to have more than one?"
He smiled sweetly. "But of course. My spawn will be-"
She cleared her throat and raised a brow at him. "Spawn?"
"My apologies. I meant my children will be truly special."
She hugged his arm again and snuggled into him. "So, they're suddenly only your children now?"
He smirked slyly. "Of course. Who else would they belong to?"

Lifting her head up, she frowned deeply at him with a pout. He put on a proud and cheesy smile as he closed his eyes, which only made her more angry. Grabbing his arm, she began shaking him side to side.

"How can you even say that?! You're so horrible! If I'm not going to give you babies, then who is?! They can't just appear out of thin air!"

Sebastian simply chuckled quietly as she shook him whilst yelling at him in anger. It was just so cute.

For the next few minutes, Ana didn't speak to him. She had turned away from him in a huff and leaned her elbows on her knees and her cheeks in her hands. Sebastian couldn't get over how cute she was being. Usually she was extremely composed but to see her lose her cool was simply so intriguing. And he simply loved pacifying her.

Keeping one hand hold of the reins, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her into him. She frowned deeper at him but didn't fight back.

"Anastasia, listen to me. My children can only be perfect if they are a part of you," he said before smiling down at her. "Only you shall bear my children."
Ana blushed bashfully and gently nudged him. "Then why did you say that?"
"Simple. I enjoy teasing you."
"I should have known." Cuddling into him, she played with the lapel of his jacket. "I have a question."
"Have there ever been a child who is both angel and demon?"
"Never," he replied confidently. "Ours shall be the first."
She sighed quietly. "I'm worried the heavens and hell won't be too welcomed to the idea."
He gently squeezed her arm. "No matter what happens, I will protect our children. No harm will befall them."
Ana smiled, feeling at peace with his word. "And I will too."
"I have no doubt."

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