Her Butler, Enjoying

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"You killed them?" Ciel asked in shock.

She nodded and lowered her head as the tears began to fall. She quickly wiped them away and continued to look down at her hands.

"I did what I had to. But I didn't do it for myself." She sniffed and looked at Ciel and Sebastian. "That was the only life I knew. But those little girls and boys... They were so frightened and I couldn't stand by and watch them get hurt and raped anymore. They were dying..." Breathing out deeply, she shook her head. "I couldn't take it anymore. So while they were asleep, I stole one of their guns. I even used some of my clothes to wrap around the handle so that they couldn't trace my fingerprints. They didn't see it coming..." She closed her eyes as more tears fell. "I can still remember how scared they looked. Their screams... The blood... In less than 30 seconds, I shot all eight of them in the head. And I... I enjoyed every moment of it. I finally ended them. No one could hurt us anymore. After almost 20 years of suffering, it all ended in 30 seconds. I just wish they could have felt so much more pain." She breathed out. "And then I fled with the children and took them to the nearest station." Wiping her tears away, she looked at them again. "I told them that I didn't see a face. I told them we woke up and saw they were dead and so we ran. After that I was put into a care home and... Well, you know the rest."
Sebastian went to her and brushed away the stray tear on her cheek. "You did the right thing."
She looked up at him tearfully. "I'll accept any punishment." She turned to Ciel. "I'm the murderer. You should turn me in."
Ciel closed his eyes. "No."
Her brows furrowed in confusion. "But the Queen-"
"I will simply inform her that the murderer is long gone. He died many years ago. And that will be the end of that."

She looked up at Sebastian and he nodded to confirm his master's words. It was the right course of action to take. She did what she did to save the others. So many children were able to live in freedom because of her. In both Ciel's and Sebastian's eyes, she was a hero. Not a murderer.

"Sebastian," Ciel called. "I will write a letter to the Queen. In the meantime, take Anastasia to rest."
Sebastian bowed. "Yes, my Lord."
Ana bowed as well. "Thank you."
Ciel looked at her and smiled. "Don't worry about it. I like you, Anastasia. We both have suffered a great deal. You didn't wither away feeling sorry for yourself and I like that about you. Now go and rest."

Sebastian placed his hand on her shoulder and led her out of the room. The walk to her room was silent but Sebastian knew she was thinking. Once they arrived, he opened the door and entered after her. She made it to the middle of her room but then stopped.

"Sebastian?" she called quietly.
He stood behind her. "Yes, my dear?"
"Am I...a monster?"
Taking her by the shoulders, he turned her to face him. "Not at all." He hooked his finger under her chin and lifted her head as he smiled at her softly. "You're a survivor. And to those children, a hero."
Her eyes were glazed with tears. "Do you still love me?"
"Anastasia..." He took her hand before going down on one knee. "Even if you were the world's most frightening monster, I would still love you. Even if you are to lose your way, I will follow you and bring you back. I will forever be at your side." He held her hand to his lips. "That is a demon's promise to you."

He pressed a kiss to her fingers and Ana felt her heart flutter. Deciding to work at the manor was the best decision she had ever made. She couldn't help but smile through her tears, however, they were tears of joy and relief. Sebastian stood and held her face.

"You're still crying, my dear."
She nodded and laughed softly. "Yes, but they're happy tears."

His eyes widened a little in surprise when she suddenly hugged him. She buried herself into him and clung onto his clothes. Sebastian soon smiled and wrapped his arms around her small frame and Ana felt her entire body warm up. Nothing could hurt her anymore. In Sebastian's arms, she felt safe. She was home.

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