Her Butler, Loyal?

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A few weeks had passed by since the curry exhibition. They were back in the manor and Prince Soma and Agni were made carekeepers for the estate in London. With the secret out in the open, no one would let Ana do any work. Anything she picked up would be taken away from her and she wasn't allowed to step foot in the kitchen. She just wanted to do her job. The last thing she wanted was for Ciel to feel she wasn't pulling her weight as a Phantomhive maid. Sebastian was happy though. Knowing that she was being forced to rest put him at ease. She was in a very delicate situation and he couldn't allow any harm befall her.

"Now, I'm going to be away for a while," Sebastian said as he packed himself a small suitcase. "What are you going to do?"
Ana sighed as she sat on the bed. "I am going to rest and not do any work."
"And what are you not going to do?"
She rolled her eyes. "I'm not going to not rest or do any work."
He smiled proudly. "Very good. The mutt has been on his best behaviour so he won't give you any trouble either. However, Finny will keep an eye on him."
He looked at her as he closed his case. "You are not happy, my dear."
She pouted slightly. "I don't want you to go."
He sat down beside her and cupped her cheek. "It won't be for long. I promise."

She still frowned. It would be their first time being away from each other for the matter of days since Ana's arrival at the manor. He smiled at her gently before taking her hand and guiding her onto his lap. She lay her head on his shoulder as she straddled his waist.

"My dear Anastasia," he spoke with actual demon voice as he stroked her hair. "This is my duty."
She breathed out. "I know... And I don't mean to behave so childishly but I'm going to miss you."
"I am also going to miss you greatly."
She lifted her head to look into his glowing pink eyes. "Why do you have to go?"
"Children are disappearing wherever this circus travels to," he told her. "The Queen wishes for Ciel to investigate. It means nothing to me but I know that you would do anything in your power to save the children."
Her eyes widened a little. "You're going for me?"
"Of course," he answered, which earned him a smile. "Now that is the smile I was waiting for."
She blushed softly and held his face. "I love you."
He smiled. "I love you, too."

They shared a quick kiss before Sebastian had to leave. Ana wasn't quite ready to let him go but he had more important matters to attend to. She and the other servants waved them off before returning inside the manor.

"We've got the place to ourselves!" Bard cheered.
"This is so exciting, yes it is!" Mey-Rin gushed excitedly.
Finny laughed. "Yeah! Let's do something fun!"
Ana sighed. "Now, guys, Sebastian said that I had to make sure you stick to your duties," she said with her hands on her hips, which made their moods deflate. "But he's not here so let's PARTY!!"
"Hoh, hoh, hoh."

Despite wanting to "party", they still completed their tasks because they felt like Sebastian was always watching them. But once they were done, Ana made hot chocolate for everyone whilst the others gathered some blankets and pillows. Their idea of a party was having a sleepover in the living room.

None of them really ever had a sleepover before so they decided to do a sleepover and camping experience combined. The fire was lit and their makeshift beds were positioned in a semicircle around the fireplace. Everyone drank their hot chocolates as they told ghost stories. Mainly from Mey-Rin since she loved them. Although Bard and Finny didn't like the stories, Ana and Tanaka enjoyed them. It was a fun night and soon, they drifted off to sleep.


The next few days passed by rather slowly and uneventfully. They kept the manor clean and did their general duties but other than that, there wasn't much to do. After another few days passed by, Elizabeth came to visit them. It was nice to have another person in the manor and with Paula as well it was so much more merry. The others found her decorations and uniform suggestions really crazy but Ana thought she was super cute. Closer to the evening, however, Ana was feeling quite tired from all of her energy. Still, she didn't want to show it but Elizabeth had spotted the change. She and all of the servants were together in the lounge when she had to ask.

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